
Sunday, January 13, 2013


Save Seed for Victory poster, image courtesy of US Natl Archives
Here's a good one and in light of the recent seed gift I received, it seemed appropriate.  This is from WWI, circa 1917 or so.  The Government was urging people to save the good seed, the valuable and well growing seed, because that could be a key to victory.  Unknown seed could be defeat.  In other words, they wanted citizens to save the seed from good and prolific crops to reuse for the following season.  This could help guarantee future good crops.

Perhaps a bit over the top as when it came to the war effort but the message is still pretty relevant today.  There is one line on here I love most of all:

Good Seed Wins

True then, almost 100 years ago, and perhaps even more so today.

Heirloom and organic can be the key to victory in 2013!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway here


  1. I think that's my favorite poster of all you have posted!

    1. Thank you! I can't believe I am still finding them, one of these days I might run out and have to start a new themed poster Sunday, ha.

  2. Do you have Seedy Saturdays in your area? It is all about seed sharing, very social and informative. They should be starting soon all over the country.

    1. Seedy Saturdays? No but I WANT to! I will have to check that out. there might be one here but I haven't heard about it or seen it advertised. I like the idea. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Great poster, although I'm not sure Monsanto would agree... But don;t get me started!


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