
Saturday, March 30, 2013


Baby Snake
I reached down to pick up the handle of a rake that had fallen over in the yard and as I moved a piece of plastic, I saw this.

I'll admit that the first reaction I had was to be startled and jump back.  There is nothing better to get your heart racing, that's for sure, though a big spider would accomplish the same thing as well.  Hey, at least I didn't scream...that you know of.  I don't love snakes like some people do, but after my blood pressure subsided, it was fascinating to look at.  It was a baby snake of course (that black thing is the handle of the rake, for size reference) and he/she seemed to be enjoying the warmth of the black handle.  

There was no reason for me to do harm to it, it wasn't hurting me and it was just living its life on our farm, so I covered it back up and left it alone.

I'm not sure what kind, does anyone know?
I'm guessing a grass snake of some sort?

Gotta love the country!


  1. It's that time of year when they come out of hibernation, I would start searching books or the internet for types of snakes since I think Texas has more than one that is poisonious.

    Take care.

    1. I thought about that, after the fact, ha. I got to wondering if all baby snakes kind of look the same at some point? There is a poster that shows the deadly snakes of Texas, I think I might just need to get that and put up in the mudroom so I can learn to identify them.


    Regardless I would have screeched my fool head off while doing the time honored omg-there-is-a-snake dance...

    1. Thanks for that link. I'll keep my eyes out.

      Yes, the time honored dance...does a jump backwards move count? LOL!

  3. Unfortunately the snakes I see never look like the ones in the pictures so I never know for sure. Can't wait to get out in my yard again because if they're in your yard, they're in mine. Yuk!

    1. Ha, sorry about that. At least you know now to be careful! :-)

  4. 1st Man - i am so glad that you left the baby snake speaks to a person's character how they handle non-deadly animals. i read your post and thought of a D.H. Lawrence poem that i read as a child called Snake. reading that poem, and Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" really taught me a lot about nature and saving creatures and that other living beings have a purpose - cuz ya know, the Bible says that God created all of us for a reason. i am really glad that you let the baby snake is a link to the poem if you wish to read it. it really had an impact on me -
    and if you want, i will type out "The Lorax" in an email to you, i have had a copy of that book since i was 4 (although many copies had to be replaced because i dropped the book in the tub)...i still can't read it without crying. but with tears of hope....because

    "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

    ack. i learned that line when i was about 4 and have never, ever forgotten it.

    your whole post reminded me of the Lawrence poem and The Lorax. i think that you will appreciate both. sorry for being so sentimental. but i like you and 2nd Man. and i like what you are both doing.

    your friend,

    1. I don't know what to say. You are such a sweet lady. You nailed it, pretty much spot on. Do you know, I'm thinking that if I ever DID read the Lorax, I don't remember it? That might be one I'd like to have at the farm. I don't have any problem with a Dr. Seuss book on the coffee table!

      As for that poem, wow, just wow. Thank you for the words, it means the world to us both.

  5. I saw a few of those snakes around here and they scared me to bits as I kept thinking they were baby copperheads or something (I didn't grow up here so copperheads scare me!) - turns out they were full-grown worm snakes. you guys have a variety of them as well...

    1. OMG, that IS the snake. Looks just like it. I kind of wondered, after the fact, if it was a baby version of something dangerous, ha. It was cute, as snakes go anyway, ha.

  6. haha...if a snake is seen in the woods who would hear if a grown man screamed? happy easter!

    1. LOL! That made me laugh out loud!

      No comment....

  7. :) Bet that was a nice little surprise to keep life interesting.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Never a dull moment at Seda Bolsa Farm. :-P

  8. Oh my gosh, that scared the crap out of me. I hate snakes and can't even look at pictures of them. So when I come up on one on a blog, I scream and cover my eyes then try to turn it off. I'm sorry, but to me, the only good snake is a dead snake. I know, I get in trouble every time I say that. But I am scared so much I have nightmares of them. I mean LOTS of them. This past summer, after I had just finished mowing the garden yard, I was walking back to the house and heard the loudest rattling sound. I have never heard a rattle snake before, and I wouldn't have even known that's what this was if I had't seen the tail going up under my utility trailer. My white cat, who is deaf, was sitting there looking at it. My 2 stupid dogs were right there too. I got them inside and called my friend up the road. He was home! And came with his rifle in about 2 minutes. He shot it one time and blew it to pieces! That's the 4th snake I have seen in my yard. I live with hay fields all around me. So they come through the yard but don't ever leave. So since I can't look at pictures, I have no idea what they are. Be careful! You just never know.

    1. Now THAT'S a story. Yikes. I'm sorry it scared you though. I'll remember next time to have a warning ahead of the posting, ha.

      You stay safe, be careful!!! (and I will too)


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