
Monday, March 25, 2013


I got this email about tonight's weather, and I noticed the line they put in about tender plants (I put it in bold).  I know it's not as cold as it is in many parts of the country, but it's definitely unusual for us to have a late season freeze.

Alerts/Warnings for Houston, TX | 
 Special Statement 

... Low temperatures will fall to freezing tonight... 

A very dry air mass coupled with clear skies and light winds will
set the stage for very cold temperatures overnight. Temps
will fall to near 40 by midnight...and into the lower 30s by sunrise. 
There will be pockets of even colder temperatures in some locations... especially in rural areas. 
The cold temperatures 
could cause damage to tender plants and vegetation that may have been planted during earlier warmer weather. Temperatures will warm up quickly on Tuesday with high temperatures back into the 60s.  Low temperatures on Wednesday morning will again fall into the lower 30's.

Didn't Spring start last week?  I guess it's fortunate I haven't gotten the seedlings and plants in the ground without me being there to cover them.

Stay warm wherever you are!


  1. I wish we had that - today was snowing again. :(

    1. Yeah, I hated posting it when other parts of the country are so cold, but it's definitely unusual for us so something is weird with the weather this year huh? And don't get me started on that dang groundhog, ha. Stay warm!

  2. 1st.... now what did you do to the weather, mate.... tsk

    1. I know I know, sometimes the power is just so overwhelming, LOL!

  3. Replies
    1. Dang, snow everywhere huh? Wow!! Stay warm!!!

  4. We plunged down to 20F night before last, according to the weather station. I think it *only* got to 25 here though (low 40s to high 60s had been forecast earlier). I did run out and cover the lettuce, and I see my peas came up yesterday, so no harm, no foul....I guess. I sure would like some warmer weather though.

    1. 20??? Holy cow that's cold. Hope we all have warm weather very soon! It's time for Spring darn it!!


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