
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Despite Sunday's series of unfortunate events, I still got things done.  Beginning with this on Saturday.  Oh, Big Green Zen Machine, how I've missed you!  But now it's back, it's been tuned up and made ready for the new season.  I was raring to go for a spin.  So I hopped on, loaded up some Adele on my iPod and off I went.  

Here is it before.  The grass was definitely  getting out of control.  It's amazing how it can go from brown to green with just a little rain and warm weather.

Here it is after.  Of course, this was just about a 1/16th of what I had to mow.  It was a bit warm but was overcast (and Sunday had the threat of rain), but I managed to get finished.  It took me about an hour and a half to bring it all back under control.  It was a good first time back on for this season.


  1. I'm in love with the Zen machine, I need to get me one of those once Mr TG has finished making the land mowable.
    Oh summer really is on the way isn't it :)


    1. You know, growing up, when my Dad made me mow the grass, I hated every moment of it. Now I can't WAIT to go out and mow! I think it was the whole riding part I was missing out on, ha. Even on a hot day, it's nice to put on my big straw hat and get a cold drink, put on my iPod music and mow. It's so peaceful and enjoyable. Summer is coming!!! (here at least, LOL)

  2. We will need to mow soon, we have patches that are tall and the rest is greening up but still short.

    1. It's coming soon, I can feel it in my bones, ha.

  3. I have to look up where you live and think about moving there. SO green!!!

    1. LOL! Just West of Houston, TX. We get (usually anyway) an early planting season and a late planting season. This year we had a bit of a late freeze but yes it's all greening up nicely.

  4. zen and the art of lawnmower maintenance! the grass looks great!

    1. Ha, it's my zen machine for sure. Not sure how much is weeds and how much is grass but mowed, it all looks good together, ha.

  5. Replies
    1. They are invaluable on a big property for sure. There is NOOOOO way I would mow this property without one.

  6. Green with envy. Still have white stuff on the ground here.

    1. Really?? Wow. I take it for granted that we're warm and green that other parts are as well. Of course you are cold year round aren't you? Ha.

  7. You have grass. Green grass. I hate you.
    (you know I'm just funning ya!)

    1. LOL, I hear ya! Yep, green green here. And getting warmer and warmer. Though tomorrow is 40's again. Go figure.


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