
Friday, April 26, 2013


Our 'famous' wildflower season is not all that this season.  It's the freaky late cold, the lack of rain, and the mild Fall.  There just aren't as many flowers springing up.  I had to drive around a bit to find some blog worthy photos.  

This is just down the road from the farm.  These pictures don't really do it justice, but the contrast of the green and the flowers was just so nice.

This was TRULY one to see to believe.  I looked across the street from the first photo and saw this.  It was a sea of orange as far as you could see.
Very striking!

These are pretty, mostly pink, and a few purple ones popping up. 

These yellow ones are all over the place in the ditches and sides of the road around the farm.  Yellow flowers always make me smile.

Lastly, I just thought this was almost a quintessential photo, the fence, the trees, the metal shed in the background, and of course the yellow, pink and blue wildflowers.  It was just so pretty!  There were other people who had stopped on the side of the road and were taking pictures as well.

Unfortunately, our state flower, the Bluebonnet, was nowhere to be seen.
Not sure, but my guess is these are the last of the wildflowers for this season.

Sigh.  Better hopes for next year.


  1. Drive to Brenham; you'll see Bluebonnets. On our trip to Austin we drove up 290 and saw lots of wildflowers.

    1. I missed them this year, that sucks. They did say on the news that this season was sort of a bust I think they were more hit and miss. You saw the hit, I've only seen the miss, ha. Oh well, one thing is certain, we'll have them again next year!

  2. Just found this site today for my own state; thought you might like to see it for Texas:

  3. I tried to plant wild flower seed ( from the US) on my field but the chickens ate most of the bloody seed

    1. Aww, that's too bad. hey if it's any consolation, I sprinkled those a few weeks ago and nothing happened. And no chickens, ha.

  4. 1st Man,

    I love Blue Bonnets, lived in Texas for sometime and now I'm in Oklahoma. This past year I ordered Blue Bonnet seeds from Baker Creek and Seed Saver, hopefully they will grow here. We will see soon enough :-)

    1. I hope you'll get them, people who haven't ever seen them have no idea how beautiful they can be. I hope you get them. I might have to try that next season (I guess it's too late now here anyway).

  5. beautiful photos! i have bluebonnets naturalizing in my lower gardens.

    1. Aren't they lovely??? Cool that bluebonnets are growing in a yard up North. That's great.

  6. We have the yellow ones blooming over here too.They are so pretty a picture doesn't do them justice.But.... at least we got color now!

    1. Yes, the sea of yellow is so pretty. And yellow is just such a happy color too. We'll take color wherever we can get it, ha.


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