
Friday, April 19, 2013


OK, taking a cue from Johnny Appleseed, I had this bag of wildflower seeds that I decided to do something with. I also has this old broadcast spreader, normally used for fertilizer, and so I put two and two together and filled it up.  Then I walked all along the fence line where there was some freshly turned dirt and I just spread it around.  Some got in the dirt some in the grass.  Luckily for me, we got a nice soaking rain with more to come this week.
Anyone else ever done this and had success?

I'm not sure what will happen but hey, if I get a few flowers, I'll be happy, but if I get something like below, I'll be ecstatic!

Wildflower meadow, sadly NOT ours.  Image courtesy of DIY network


  1. sounds like you got those seeks out there just in time as there will be more rain and that always helps. Can't wait to see a picture of them. I do this with wildflowers every year and it results in a good turn out....sort of like nature. Thanks for sharing.

  2. A cousin of mine had a rather long garden. He divided it up and the back third was fenced off with white palings and a gate. He then sowed wildflowers and let it all grow. It looked really lovely. I hope your goes the same way! I would like to do something like that one day.

  3. i have some of those too and have been trying to figure out how to use them. i think i will spread and pray!

  4. Fingers crossed it grows like weeds...errr...wildflowers! Can't wait to see the outcome

  5. I have a freind who cast those seeds all along her yard on the lake shore where we lived and I'm telling you honestly it was the most beautiful site by Fall and the next year she had poppies and columbines galore!

  6. I bet that it will be really lovely. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  7. Sounds like it's going to be lovely. I wish I had more space to grow flowers, but until then its all veggies for me.

  8. Years ago I got a big packet of wild poppy seeds from an elderly lady in our town, and I broadcast them up the hill (vacant land) behind our house. They were gorgeous when they blossomed! Unfortunately they turned out to be opium poppies! I happened to see a newspaper article describing them, called our local police, and the drug squad came and pulled them all. Luckily there was no newspaper article following my "drug raid", LOL! You're probably safe with Burpee, but never trust an old lady with poppy seeds.

  9. I can't wait to see what it looks like!! :-D


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