
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The first thing I planted this weekend was our Wonderful Pomegranate (that's the name, not a description, LOL).  I put it off the side of the driveway, directly across from "Ginger" in a clearing I've recently created by edging and mowing.  This is the best for our part of the country, hoping we have some good Pomegranates in our future.

Next up was the Barbados Cherry bush that I've had.  It's not an actual cherry, it's just called that because it resembles a cherry.  Here is where I got some fruit off of it last year, while it was still in the container.  Hard to see in this picture but it's a small bush shape.

And lastly, I planted the Santa Rosa Plum.  It's supposed to be an easy to grow plum and we both love plums, so I have hope for this one.  Found a nice clearing to plant it in so it will get plenty of sunshine.


  1. Replies
    1. Fingers crossed for fruit in a few years. :-)

  2. You're making me hungry! I can't wait to get started planting trees and year. Your Little Farm is so nice!

    1. Aww, thanks. Hey it made me hungry planting them, ha. You know these are all trees I've had for the last year or so growing in their containers in the backyard in town. Putting them in the ground and stepping back and seeing them was just so rewarding. Now I just have to baby them and keep them growing for the next few years so they can start providing fruit.

  3. nice job..they will be big before you know it!

    1. From your lips to Mother Nature's ears, ha.

  4. So glad y'all are planting edible trees and bushes there. I just got 3 more blueberry bushes. I need to get them planted. That makes 10 so far. And my 3 apple trees that are blooming right now are just a buzz with all kinds of bees! Sounds like NYC underneath them. I got my bee hive last Friday night. Y'all need a hive out there now. They are so fun to watch. And what a great job they are already doing here!

    1. OH Blueberries! I need some of those. Thanks for the reminder. There are a few varieties that do well down here (I think they call them 'Southern Highbush"). There is a an apple tree that needs to go in the ground too. It's about the only one that will grow down in these parts. Have to find the right place for that one.

      And yes, bees are on my short list. I even have a spot planned out. You sound like you love your bees. Great to hear!

  5. Finally got to check on you guys and find you busy as ever! Great progress. 1st Man, I sent you an email - not sure if you still use that same email address. Vonnie :)

    1. HEY YOU!!!!!! MIssed you and glad you popped in. I was literally just recently wondering how you were doing. Thanks for saying hi. Yes, still use that email and I'll go check now!

  6. Love the pomegranate bush & the plum tree. I, too, love plums. Pomegranates were a staple of my grandparents and they had a wall lined with these bushes. I've seen photos of my father holding me as a baby & those bushes were so tall. As an adult, those bushes were still existing & producing. I have four in my own yard cuz it reminds me of them.

    1. When I was younger and we lived in California, my best friend who lived next door, his parents had a huge Pom tree, and they were my first experience with them. Loved them. When I found one that is supposed to grow here, I just had to have it. It's nice to have a reminder of our past isn't it? Thanks for sharing!

  7. ooo, Wonderful Pomegranate, that sounds very exotic, your green grass is a treat to my winter weary eyes!

    1. Ha, it does sound exotic. The grass is a brilliant green and is growing fast. You'll get your green soon!!! :-)

  8. Great job 1st man! The Pomegranate tree reminds me of the time I lived in California. On my way home from school, I'd pass an orchard and snatch one occasionally. So good! I didn't think they would grow well in our Texas heat so didn't even think to look for a cultivar that would grow well in our region. Thanks so much for the info! Hope your's does well!

    1. Yes, they will grow (or so I've been told). It will definitely be an experiment. Of course doesn't it seem EVERYTHING grows in California? LOL!

  9. I'm so excited for all your fruit trees! It may be a bit before you can harvest, but harvest you will! WooHoo!


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