
Friday, May 3, 2013


So the other day, I'm at the farm and I needed to water a few of the newly planted fruit trees.  The hose is currently in use for the raised beds watering system I set up.  So I looked around and realized, we didn't yet have a watering can.  We didn't even have a bucket.  Oops!

So I looked around the house and found the largest water vessel I could use...this vase from the dining room.  I thought it was funny, me out there in my jeans, work boots, t-shirt, covered in dirt, smoothing out the soil with a rake, pouring water out of a crystal vase!*

I went back to the porch and sat the vase down next to the rake...

Green acres is the place to be, 
Farm living is the life for me,
Land spreading out so far and wide,
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.

New York is where I'd rather stay,
I get allergic smelling hay,
I just adore a penthouse view,
Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue!

Goodbye city life, Green Acres we are there!

*bought a watering can and bucket now.


  1. Glad to hear you bought a watering can, you wouldn't want to ended up with a broken crystal vase.

    1. LOL, that's the first thing 2nd Man had to bring up, "what if you had dropped that and broken it?" :-)

  2. We gotta do what we gotta do! I'd frame that photo and hang it on the wall.

    1. Ha, never thought about that, it would be kinda cool to hang up huh? I'll work on that for the upcoming photo collage wall in the bedroom. It'll be a fun memory.

  3. I hate to think how many trips you made to water TREES with that vase!

    1. TWELVE! For six trees. Oh well, it was good exercise, ha.

  4. Replies
    1. Necessity is the mother of invention I guess. Maybe a new line of crystal watering pitchers? LOL!

    2. haha FM--when you pour the crystal watering can make sure to hold your pinky out and talk like thurston howell the 3rd (Gilligans Island)

  5. That is hilarious! And I LOVED Green Acres and Petticoat Junction. Now I feel old...haha

    1. Never got into Petticoat Junction but loved Green Acres too!

  6. The picture speaks volumes. Save a vinegar jug and save the crystal.

    1. So true. Not sure if that's good or bad, ha. Vinegar jug is a good idea as a backup. Never hurts to have options huh? Thanks!!

  7. This is exactly the sort of thing I've done! Sometimes you just have to reach for the closest thing, or the only available thing, that will get a task done Right Now. :)

    1. That's exactly what I did. I looked around, saw that and went "Bingo!" and it worked.

  8. Teehee. I agree w/Tonya, both those shows were favorites of mine. We still watch Green Acres reruns early on Sunday mornings.

    1. I haven't seen that in years, I might just have to look for it. :-)

  9. Replies
    1. Never thought about it but it is a lovely old rake huh? "Ma" left it behind when she moved. I'll have to make sure it hangs around for the duration.

  10. that was too funny. thanks for a friday laugh. Hope the weekend goes so much better. Time to start making list of NEEDS.

    1. We've got a pad started, though it has a more colorful name. Instead of NEEDS, it's something akin to "THE OH CRAP LIST"....from when we go "OH CRAP, we forgot to get such and such....". :-)

  11. I know how many trips I made with my 2 1/2 gallon bucket when I misplace my 5 gallon one last summer when watering our fruit trees, can't imagine how many you made! Have a good day :)


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