
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I have had some of you email me and ask me how I did the string on my raised bed.  I realized I never blogged about it, but I did of course take pictures.
Here is how I sectioned off my square foot gardening.   I got some wood screws and a roll of garden twine.

Then you just need a tape measure or ruler, a pen, and a drill. I measured the sides and marked them off every twelve inches.

Then I just wrapped some string around and around and move it back and forth from screw to screw, wrapping each a couple of times and then tying off at the end.  You have to do it twice, once back and forth from one side to the other and then a new piece from the other side to side.

After you're done, you have a measured off square foot garden.  This raised bed is 4'x4', so I ended up with 16 squares of one square foot each.  Ready for planting!

It makes it easy to plant in that's for sure.  Here are some herbs in the herb bed that a few of you asked about.  It keeps things neat and tidy and gives you more plants in a smaller place than you might realize.


  1. I've done exactly the same. It does make it very nice and easy to keep track of plants, or so I have found so far. Let's see how it goes through the year.

    1. Yes, there is always that, how it holds up in the growing season. We'll see. It does look nice in the beginning though doesn't it? Fingers crossed!

  2. It looks a good way to plant, and would also make for some nice patterns as the plants grow and fill up their square.
    A happy May Day to you, my friend!

    1. They will be a nice when they fill up, hoping they look like a patchwork quilt, ha. Happy May Day to you as well!!!

  3. wow, that looks amazing, mine always looked higgly piggly, using a hoe to mark row lines, lol,

    1. Ha, I probably would be able to relate if I had to put it in the ground. Our ground has a lot of clay and I decided raised beds were the only way to go.

  4. 1st Man,

    Looking good my friend, I love what you've done with your beds.

  5. That looks wonderful. I hope to see pictures as it fills in.

  6. Nice job! Happy Square Footing!


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