
Thursday, May 9, 2013


Outdoor Chess, image courtesy of
A few years ago, when we first thought about getting property, I stumbled onto pictures like this.  People who had put in their own outdoor chess and checkers game boards.  It can be done with grass or slate tiles or gravel or just about anything your imagination could think of.

Of course, when I first saw it my first reaction was, "well that would take up a good sized part of the yard".  But then I imagined that if we had a farm with lots of acreage, we could do something like this anywhere that suited us.  So that's why I saved this picture...someday, it will be on my to do list.  It's not a priority this year for sure, many other things I need to get started, but in a couple of years, I could see myself doing something like this.  And really, it doesn't look like it would be TOO difficult.  I think. 

Enjoy your day!
Be inspired!

Update:  Several of you asked about chess pieces, there are some out there, just google "outdoor chess pieces" and there are plastic ones, wood ones, expensive ones and affordable ones.  Of course my first year after we do something like this, I could always use frisbees and play Checkers!


  1. I just found you and am your newest follower - you have a wonderful blog and seem to be on a similar journey as myself. :) Looking forward to catching up on your previous posts and seeing where your headed next!

    1. Well welcome!!!! And thank you!! I just joined both of your blogs. Wow, how cool you guys are!! And your recipes, yum! I'm going to catch up with you as well. Thanks again!

  2. 1st Man,

    I'm going to make sure hubby doesn't see this picture. He loves to play chess and would want to have a board made on the property.

    1. Ha, I hear ya. It would be easy to recreate. A great Father's Day present! OK, maybe 2014.... ;-)

  3. Where do you think you would get the chess pieces?

    1. I updated the post above, I did google 'outdoor chess pieces' or 'outdoor chess set' and there are lots for sale. Of course varying prices, from reasonable to outrageous, ha.

  4. i thought of doing this years ago when i did this place but i never got around to it.

    1. See, that might be me. I'll look back on this blog in a few years and go "oh yeah, I never did that", ha. Funny thing, the last time at the farm, I saw the perfect spot for it. I might just start mowing it and keep it mowed. Someday it would be fun.

  5. How interesting. I think I've seen a similar photo or maybe it was the Alice in Wonderland movie on TCM recently. Do you play chess? Would you make the chess pieces?

    1. There are many out there. I think I'd like to try it next year. I never thought about making pieces, there might be some DIY places to do that. Thanks for the suggestion!!

  6. You could go ahead now and lay out the stepping stones and use as a patio until you find a way to buy/create the chess pieces. The stepping stones are not that expensive and would cut down on weeds/mowing.

    1. I was just commenting above, I found a spot in a meadow that might be a neat place to do that. Stepping stones would be a great solution. I guess I'd need 64 huh?

  7. I haven't seen those in years. They are all over Germany (my mother was from there) We used to watch the old men playing and smoking their cigars and just enjoying the day. What a lovely memory.....

    1. Wow, now that's a neat story! Very neat!! I can see that in my head. :-)

  8. PS If you get one, I get to come over and play-LOL!

  9. You just need to get a bunch of those 'larping' kids to set up on your lawn to role play out the game. Then you can just have them go home. ;)

  10. I've seen those in parks and they do look like fun. Never thought of having one at home, though...would you make the pieces yourself?

    1. Someone above also mentioned making them, I never thought about that. I might have to see if there are some DIY ways to do that. I did find them for sale online, in all price ranges. DIY might be more affordable, ha.

  11. Love this! I'm always looking for ways to add some more fun and games into the garden ;-)

    1. You know, the board doesn't have to be chess of course, a giant checkers game would be great. And you could use frisbees for checkers!! Just a random thought.


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