
Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Red Cardinal on fence
No, not the baseball team.  No, not from the Vatican.

The birds!  All of a sudden, red Cardinals are all over the farm.  Not sure why we're a gathering place but they sure are pretty to see.  The red color against all the greens of the yard is so nice.  Wherever they land, it looks like a red flower has bloomed open!  They are flying flowers!

I need to find out what they like to eat and make sure they have lots of it so they'll stick around.  I'm off one more day for a longer holiday, so the weekend update will come tomorrow (or maybe later tonight).


  1. We have cardinals here all through the year. They love black oiled sunflower seeds!

  2. Sunflower seeds and lots of them. Beautiful pic

    1. Thanks, I had to zoom in from far away so it wouldn't fly off, and I think it got a bit fuzzy, but it was the best of about 20 I took, ha. I take it they eat a lot. I'm going to get some at the store before we go out this weekend. Maybe I can get some better pictures of them all gathered around a feeder.

  3. 1st Man,

    I love Cardinals, we have so very large ones here that visit every year.
    They like to stand on solid things, bird feeder, table, ground to eat.
    Black oil Sunflower seeds are a favorite of cardinals. If you are concerned about litter from seeds you can buy hulled sunflower seeds. Cardinals also like safflower seeds and white milo (source:wikihow)

    1. Thank you for the info! Awesome. Aren't they pretty? I'm definitely getting some black oil sunflower seeds and i might look for safflower seeds too. Thanks!

  4. we have lots of cardinals too. they will eat you out of seeds. they love them!

    1. I'll make sure I buy a big bag!! ;-) Greedy little suckers huh?

  5. there are a pair of cardinals that live in my area all year long. it is always so enjoyable to see them. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, hope you are having a great week. They are so bright and colorful I love seeing them flying around.

  6. and as the cardinals ;) I am back ! :) just wanted to say hi ♥

    1. HI!!!!!! Welcome back, I saw your post, sounds like a fortuitous encounter you had and I hope something comes of it. Y'all deserve it!!

  7. We have them all year... and I love to watch them. They eat the regular mix... and lots of sunflower seeds. They also eat VERY late in the evening, after the other birds have gone home. We've had as many as ten around the feeder.

    1. Thanks for that info, I would have put it out in the morning. I'll wait till later in the afternoon. I saw about 8 different cardinals (possibly 6, if I counted a couple twice, ha).

  8. 1st Man - everyone has beat me to it - and yes - they will eat you out of sunflower seeds. we had a family of cardinals living in our yard back in the city, we loved them. we loved their songs to each other. sadly, although cardinals are all over our island, we haven't seen nary a one in 2+yrs. please enjoy yours for us!

    your friend,

    1. You know I didn't hear them singing but I will listen for it. I'm sure if they are happily chowing down on some sunflower seeds, I bet we'll hear some singing, ha. I will keep you posted!!

  9. I live in a Philadelphia suburb, and we have cardinals all year round - they're gorgeous, especially in an evergreen tree in the dead of winter or against the snow. They eat sunflower seeds, maybe you could plant some of those beautiful weeds to feed them for free??? In the last few weeks, mama cardinal began "throwing" herself at the windows at the back of our house. A little research told me that she likely saw her reflection as an intruder in her nesting area. Who knew?

    1. Hello! Thanks for commenting!! I have seen pictures (no snow 'round these parts, ha) but I can imagine the red against white must be beautiful in person. You know, planting some sunflowers is not a bad idea! We get the pretty yellow flowers and they birds can have the seeds. Thanks!!


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