
Sunday, May 19, 2013


Lend a Hand on the Land vintage poster, courtesy of UK National War Archives
Here is a really neat poster from WWII.  They asked citizens to help farmers, since so many men were away at war, so they reminded those still home that no matter what their main job was, they needed to help out with the harvest of food and grain.  They asked for volunteers to sign up and help.

What a great idea even today, if we could have people come help out with farming.  Of course, I'm sure Monsanto and the like would NOT agree with that.

Hope you are having a good weekend, we were at the Ironman competition yesterday, so today is catch up day at the farm.  As you read this, I'm riding around on the Big Green Zen Machine (i.e. my John Deere mower for those new to the blog).  It's hot today, 90 degrees, so I'm hoping there is a breeze.

More later!


  1. Blasted Monsato. I really wish that california labeling law went into effect. It would have forced the hand for the entire nation. Personally, I am vexed how nutrition and clean environment is considered a 'liberal' issue. I do not see it. It's a society issue at large. :)

  2. In my area there is "Simple Farm" and they have a lot of volunteers that come and do the various chores at the farm. What a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing. Have a great Sunday and a great week.

  3. these vintage posters you show us are amazing, the artistry is beautiful and the message would do well today, we should lend a hand for the land, I hope you find that breeze!


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