
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


When I was at the farm recently, I noticed that this had been done to the property behind us.  They had scraped a path all along the fence line (this is a 300 acre property by the way). To be honest, I wasn't exactly sure what it was for.

At first, I thought maybe it was for the cattle that are normally kept there in Spring and Summer, to keep them walking around the perimeter of the fence? Or maybe for farm equipment to easily drive the property?  Or maybe it was so they could more easily check the fencing in case a section of it comes loose or fails?

I found out it's actually a firebreak!  In case a wildfire broke out on the property, it would, theoretically anyway, burn to the edge of this and not spread to neighboring properties (i.e. ours).  This would allow the firefighters to keep it under control and hopefully knock it down. This is required by the county for large properties without residences on them.


  1. yes that is a firebreak, wish a couple of my neighbors would be so pro-active.

    1. This is the first time I've seen it all the years I've been going out there (even when Ma owned it). But a couple summers back, there were outbreaks of wildfires all over the state so I think people are being more proactive now.

  2. that is very interesting. it looked like a road to me.

    1. Yep, it does. Kind of crazy we have to think about this but it's life in this part of the country (and others in the South as well).

  3. Replies
    1. Nope, it's not a requirement for smaller parcels and parcels with homes on them. This one behind us is about 300 acres of pasture, so the county sort of "recommends" it for them. It was nice they did it. I think now that we are out there and getting things fixed up, they were being proactive as well.

  4. Looked like gallops for horse training to me lol. Bet it makes you feel a bit easier though?

    1. Wow, that's a good thought too. Yes, it does eased our minds a bit as well.

  5. What a different world you live in! No risk of that happening here or not for many years at least! I think we'd be more likely to have water breaks.

    1. Ha, that's why I thought I'd share it. I know others in other parts of the world enjoy seeing something different. Conversely, no worry of water breaks here, LOL!

  6. sadly I recognized this, nothing scarier than fire!

    1. It was a first for me, but yes, makes you think how scary that could be.

  7. 1st Man,

    Fire breaks are needed when living in the Texas and Oklahoma or any area where you have wild fires. It's just added protection.

    1. Yes, definitely. We had some wildfires in the area last summer and the summer before last. It's a great idea to me, I'm grateful they did it as well.

  8. that would be a nice riding track to limber up horses. A good idea for fire breaks. With the dry grass the fires run rampant. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I bet it would! I don't think they have horses, just cattle, but I should tell 2nd Family (who have a horse) that they should ask if they could use it for that. Might be a nice suggestion and a change of pace for their horse.


  9. Replies
    1. I know, I have never seen it but I'm glad to see it, ha.

  10. I'm a rural firefighter from Australia. If every property owner did this, there would be a lot less devastation in fire season. Good job to your neighbours!

    1. Wow, thank you for the comment. I totally agree, this would help a lot. By the way, thank you for the work you do! Firefighters are awesome!


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