
Thursday, July 11, 2013


Little White Potting Shed, photo courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens
Sigh.  When I saw this a couple years back, I just had to stare for a bit.  I could so envision this on the property somewhere.

I love the color, the picket fence (naturally) the flowers, and the bright yellow water pump. I also gaze inside and imagine all the fun things that I could create and do.  It doesn't have to be JUST a potting shed, right?

In fact, there is a clearing I've been working on that this would be perfect for.  Of course, there is just SO much more to work on at the farm, this will definitely move to the future bucket list of projects.

Enjoy your day!

Be inspired!


  1. Love the hand made doors. Nice retreat, hope this is one project that moves up the bucket list.

    1. Thanks, I could imagine all sorts of things to do in and around something like that. I might have to push it up the list a bit, ha.

  2. Wow!
    And WOW---again!
    Love it all.
    It's going on MY list too!

    1. Ha, my reaction when I saw it and that's why I saved it. Someday....sigh...... ;-)

  3. This is what I keep telling people I'm not sure of (they could be a secret county inspector after all) that I have been building. More or less. ;-)

    1. LOL! Late in replying to this but after reading your blog post today, I understand, ha.

  4. Awesome photo. I think by putting out there in the universe, will help to make it happen. Can't wait for the day it happens.

    1. I've put so much to the Universe, it must be going "enough already, we know, we know...." HA!!!

  5. Please, Santa, bring me a shed like this!

  6. That shed is adorable, if a shed can be adorable... We have 2 "prefab" sheds in our yard, made by the Amish here in PA. In my opinion, it's important to landscape around your shed to visually anchor it to the yard, and to make it blend, like it's always been there. Have fun planning!

    1. I think a shed can be adorable!! I'm sure anything made by the Amish is far and away above anything you'd pick up at the local big box store. Yes, definitely I think the plants have to go in around. I looked at this shed and pictured it just in the middle of the yard and it would not look that special. Thank you and thanks for stopping by, don't be a stranger!!!

  7. Very pretty! Airy and open and lots of light. who wouldn't want this?

  8. I can't wait to see your farm in 10 years with all your inspirations put into place there. How neat that will be! Someday!

    1. Aww, you are too kind. Yep, we're on a sort of 5 year plan, 2 years in. So we'll get there. I just have to not get frustrated with not having it ALL, NOW. lol! You're yard is CERTAINLY an inspiration to me. :-)

  9. You keep talking about potting sheds and I'm not really sure if you're underestimating the potential of the shed or if it's a general cultural difference that that's all that sheds are used for in the US (I doubt that somehow though). I was trying to find a link to a book I remember from years ago - it was a christmas present coffee table kind of book and I really wanted to buy it for somebody but didn't have anyone it was suitable for. I should have just given in and bought it for myself. Who says men should have all the fun of sheds to themselves anyway! At any rate, I didn't find quite the one I was looking for but if you don't already have them, you might enjoy one or all of these:


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