
Friday, July 19, 2013


We have had rain!

In fact, it rained, on and off, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and the morning of Thursday.  We're back to Sunny today but that's OK, we've had somewhere between 3 and 4 inches of water pour down and that's wonderful.  

This radar image was from Monday or was it Tuesday?

No matter, it was pretty much the same at some point each day of the week.  The red pin is the farm location.  It was a pretty slow and steady rain at times, then stopped and was sunny and clear and then another round of "orange and red" would move in and the cycle repeated several more times.

Sadly, it's not enough to get us out of our drought designation but it might green up the grass and it's definitely a good, deep soaking for the fruit trees, which, honestly, at this point are the most important things to keep alive at the farm.  Also hoping that the basil and two stubborn tomatoes have perked up.

I think we're back into a dry cycle now but hopefully we'll have more relief sometime later in the month.


  1. The heat wave finally hit here after almost 80 days of continuous rain. If they call drought conditions I am going to scream. Like I said the other day I don't get how we have so much and you have so little.

    I will keep y'all in my prayers that you get the rain you need.

    And not to crash comments with this, but I was blog hopping today and thought of you - this table was SO cool and I thought "Yeah, The Men would definitely like this and be able to do it."

    I hope you DO like it. First time I have been at her blog. Take care and have a great weekend. Stay COOL.

  2. Your such a lucky duck .... send me some.

  3. In Arizona, we are over 100 days without rain. Hopefully, this weekend we may get a bit. So glad that you all got a little rain.

  4. Yay for y'all!!! I so hope you get more. Brown is nice but green is more better, right? We have so much green here, but the brown is MUD. And lots of it. I don't think I remember what crunchy ground sounds like anymore! I am so happy that y'all finally got the rain and I hope it comes back around soon.

  5. I have a little urban farm in the city and don't need to depend on rain for the gardens. Her in NorCal our rain comes in winter and spring. Summers are dry...hence, "The Golden State" But I got my water bill a couple of days ago and it's killing me...I'm going to need to figure out some kind of water capture scheme. YIKES...

    I just finished watching ken Burns' The Dust Bowl...amazing to see the story up close. I'm no expert, but it seems that farming and production methods were the culprit then...


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