
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Yard in Spring
What a difference in seasons...the above picture was taken in Spring, when things were lush and green, around mid-April or so.  The picture below was taken this past weekend.  Things are drying up fast in this weather.  It's been over 100 for several days in a row and we have not had any measurable rain in almost three weeks now.

It looks like my time on the Big Green Zen Machine will be limited for a while.

I hope you are staying cool wherever you are.  There is rain in our forecast, but only 40%.  To me, that means a 60% chance it WON'T rain.

Summer has arrived with a vengeance.

Yard in Summer


  1. You have no idea what DRY, REALLY DRY is like, LOL. At least you have the chance of rain. This place is getting to be a dust bowl.

    P.S. Love my milk bottle, it does seem to keep milk colder. Since I have 2 I can keep chocolate milk in one.

    1. Well, that's probably true. At least we still have green. Though a couple summers back we had our record breaking drought and I saw what no rain for months and months and months could do. The ground cracked, trees died, it was horrible. I hope y'all get some rain soon. You know, we can go to the moon and build space stations and amazing computers but we can't figure out how to make it rain when we need it, ha.

      Aren't the bottles great? They do seem to make things colder. And I love the idea of chocolate milk, Now I need to find another. ;-)

  2. i hope you get some rain! we were bone dry about a week ago and now i have mushrooms growing everywhere. we are too wet!

    1. It's either feast or famine at times isn't it? Stay dry!

  3. bummer! I hope you get some rain. You can have some of ours. We are getting pounded with rain storms. I am getting rot because it is so soggy

    1. It would be nice if it would just be spread out all over the place huh?

  4. The southwest is in a drought and so hot. Arizona seems to be on fire with little or no rain in sight. Just hope the monsoons produce more than wind & dust.

    1. I've seen on the news and weather channel how bad it is, I sure hope you all get some rain soon.

  5. Luckily we have had rain at least once a week so far this summer.
    Last year we had record setting temps, and drought. I gave up !
    Let's do a rain dance ;)

    1. Once a week is a good ratio huh? We were getting that for a while, though it always seemed to be once a week ON the weekends, ha, but rain is still good. I'm all for raindancing. Just tell me how to do it, ha.

  6. Ahhh. Texas summers. How I miss thee! We've been getting pretty good rain here on the East Coast so everything is pretty green. I can not believe it was 108 the other day though! Sheesh!

    1. I'm sure you said that tongue in cheek, ha. I'm with you though, any three digit temp is unacceptable, ha.

  7. We're shattering records for heat this week. Right now it's 104.4 in the shade of the patio, and my garden is am I! My poor pole bean seedlings looked like they were burnt to a crisp, but I turned the sprinkler on them and they perked up. Let's hope I can nurse them through this heat wave.

    1. Isn't that unusual for you? If anyone can nurse them through it would be you!! Stay cool though, it's bad for plants and worse for people.

  8. I think we have gotten some of the rain you should have. It's raining again as I write and I know its been 3 inches already.

    1. Wow, we haven't had three inches in a long time, we usually just get a 1/4 or 1/2 here and there. Of course we are in hurricane season, we could also have 30 inches next week if a storm sprang up, ha.

  9. I moan constantly about this scottish weather, it really is pretty naff - cold and windy despite it being summer (apparantly), however I have to admit I would rather cope with what we have than to have the extreme heat that some of you guys suffer! If the heat decides to hit the 60's here (farenheit) then we're reaching for shade, honestly we are so acclimated to the cold that any kind of heat is awful. 104.4 in the shade annies Granny? Honestly I don't know how you guys cope - we go on holiday to enjoy a couple of weeks of high temps but to have to try and live your daily life like it - hat's off to those of you who have to do it.
    I hope those fires are put out soon without any further loss of life - I think I will try to appreciate our mild weather a little bit more.

    1. Ha, I totally understand. It's amazing how our bodies adapt to our climate that we are used to. If it was 60's or cooler here, we'd be reaching for jackets and stuff to keep warm. Of course we go on holiday to someplace cooler, LOL.

  10. It was my understanding that the probability meant it will rain somewhere, you simply have a 40% er of it falling on your head. Perhaps, in such an instance it all means the same. :)

    1. Ha, I suppose another way of looking at it too. Our problem is that Houston area is so big that 40% chance somewhere in town could be 35 miles the other direction (still in the houston city limits) and it rains there and they say 'yep see it rained', while we were bone dry. I want 100% chance so I KNOW I'll get wet, lol.


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