
Friday, August 16, 2013



Remember when I posted about finding these round metal tins at a discount store?  I was trying to figure out what to put in them.  Well, I decided to use them to be practical and make them the hidden storage for candles and related accessories.

I think it's a great way to be prepared in plain sight.  I'm not quite finished, but the small one has matches of different types and sizes and a couple of lighters as well, and the large one has tea lights, votives, and some small candlesticks.  They make it easy to know right where they are when we need them, for any reason.


  1. Now that is a great idea. I'm going to get something similar together right away. The cluster of earthquakes we're currently having here in NZ made me realise just how unprepared this household is. When the power goes out (and it's the first thing to go in a 'quake) I don't want to be stumbling around trying to find candles in the dark!

    1. Oh my, you are getting some Earth shaking huh? Be safe! Yes, I used this to just know "where" all the candles and matches are. We've stumbled around in the dark before as well, ha.

  2. Love the tins. And, you have done a great job by putting things in them to see with when there is no light. I keep a small flashlight by night stand and change batteries every couple of months or so, needed or not. Just to know that it will work. Thanks for sharing.

    1. That's something we do as well, bedroom and guest bedroom both have flashlights in the night stand. We do however forget to replace batteries often enough. Need to remember that! Thanks!!

  3. 1st Man,

    I love this idea! You have these pretty tins on display and they hold your candles until you need to use them. Fabulous idea, I may have to copy this idea!!!

    1. Please do!! Yes, it took me some time to figure out what to put in them. I mean, I could have put in just about anything in them but I wanted to be practical and wanted to stay with our preparedness theme, ha. Guests coming over would just assume pretty tins. What they hold is important.

  4. Is there no end to your talents? You have an uncanny way of marrying beauty and practicality!

    1. Ha, you are too sweet. I think things can be beautiful AND practical. We are just making sure the farm has all the necessities we need to be self sufficient (still a ways to go but getting there) and so when I thought about us needing candles and various fire starting methods, I saw those tins and thought, "hmm, better than just throwing them in a drawer". Now I just need to get that beauty and practicality out into the garden! LOL!

  5. i have stuff on display here that hides all sorts of things. i hate wasting space so i try to have a purpose for everything.

    1. Isn't that a great way to do it? Hiding stuff in plain sight and using the most of your space.

  6. I keep a plastic box in a cabinet with candles and matches. Yours looks so much better! Of course, I know not to display Oh, I love tins.

    1. It's ok, we have a box like that in town too, ha. These tins were a great find and just seemed to be the perfect spot for the candle stuff. :-)

      Aren't tins great?

  7. nice 2 for one!

    and candles/matches were a great choice - you want them real handy when you need 'em.


    1. A 2 fer! I like that! Thanks for stopping by you know you're always welcome. But stay away from certain posts, or Kymber will have my hide! ;-)

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