
Thursday, August 22, 2013


Wheelbarrow with Flowers, image courtesy of
Two pictures this week!

OK, this is something I'm doing soon (as soon as it's cool of course).  I was trying to get flower ideas recently and was looking for pictures when I stumbled across these two.  We have a wheelbarrow that sort of 'died in place' and it actually looks much like the one above, only red.  It was left behind when we bought the house so it sort of just came with the property, ha.

I think this just looks so nice.  We've been wondering what to do with ours, short of trashing it and we like to re-purpose when we can.  It's very country chic and would be a nice way to rotate flowers as seasons change.  Ours has some rust holes in the bottom so I won't have to worry about drainage.

I'm guessing just some potting soil and flowers and we're good to go.

Have a good day!

Be inspired!

Wheelbarrow full of Flowers, image courtesy of


  1. Love the second one. We had one of these too. It was very old-- had a metal wheel. Because of it's age, there were small holes in the bed of the barrow. I think that was why everything grew so well--there was good drainage.

    1. Yep, ours has some rusty holes in the bottom too. I am just trying to find the right spot for it now, ha.

  2. i love these. mona, from whispering sweetly of cottages on my sidebar has wonderful planted wheelbarrows if you want to take a look.

    1. Oh my gosh, thanks for the heads up, I just wnet to her blog and saw some gorgeous pics. Thank you!

  3. Gorgeous. Be sure you have a hummingbird feeder near by because something like that will definitely attract the little buggers!

  4. I so know what I'm going to do with my dead wheelbarrow... I never did get it planted this year. It's going to hold MUMS on the patio! (think of having to weed eat under it in the grass.)

  5. I had an old wheelbarrow which I used as a plant holder - I didn't plant directly into the barrow, I used it to hold pots of my culinary herbs. I wheeled the barrow over to the back door and that's where it stayed. So I was able to pop out and pick my chives or whatever when I needed them. Once the herbs grew nice and big it looked quite pretty though it was more practical than pretty.

  6. One old guy in the village called Meirion ellis always wins the best container cup in our flower show with his wheelbarrow filled with flowers

  7. I've got a rusty old wheelbarrow filled with succulents. Mine has more than a few (large) rust holes for drainage so I lined it with some shade cloth and it's lasted for years past its use-by-date. Without the shade cloth, the soil would have disappeared down those drainage holes!


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