
Monday, August 5, 2013


I was driving to the farm the other day and noticed these new trenches dug from the main highway all the way to the farm and beyond.  In fact, the picture above is on the road where we turn to our farm and this corner is actually the easement to our property.  I saw it and wondered what it was they were doing.

Turns out this is fiber optic cable being laid as part of the infrastructure for the area.  High speed Internet and HD Digital cable is coming...

So that begs the question, is the city getting closer?  We bought a rural property to be able to leave the city behind when we wanted to.  I think it's wonderful that they are trying to bring Internet and cable to rural areas that have never had it before.  It's great to have that option.  We purposely have no TV at the farm because we want to get out there and be unplugged.  Sure, I have an iPad with 4G cellular and we both bring our smart phones so we CAN have news and access to the 'net if we need it, for example a storm or major news story, or even if the you know what hits the fan, but still, no TV and no computer has always been our rule when at the farm.  Now though, we can be tempted. Must. Resist. 

As I said, we have to think of those around us that have never had Internet or even cable.  There are some new homes built in the area, I'm sure they are excited too, but there are also older homes and trailers that have been there forever and may have never had the option.  There is a concerted effort to bring this technology to more rural areas in Texas which is awesome.

I guess that doesn't automatically mean the city is coming but it's getting closer.  Please no Starbuck's in the country, LOL. 

If we ever do want cable/high speed access though, I'm sure the 1/4 mile run from the road to the actual house would make that cost prohibitive anyway, ha.

Fiber optic cable being laid


  1. We don't have hi speed internet--and boy, would I jump on the chance to have it.
    But--we always cancel our tv during the summer --we're outside all day and never got the value of it. Winter, yes.

    1. I understand totally. I like the idea of seasonal TV. Will have to think about that when we are out there full time someday. Texas has a plan for putting high speed internet all over rural areas, so that's good. I hope your state gets you some soon.

  2. We are just getting fiber optic here, too. Only the orange one, not the blue one. That is something else, but I'm not sure what. The TV?
    Anyway, after being retired for just over a year and having ONLY our phones and a TV antenna, we, too, are anxious to be able to have good internet and some TV.
    Different strokes for different folks. ;-)
    Have a great day!

    1. I'm not sure which is which but I'm sure it's probably tv, or maybe phone? Hey, it's easy for me to say I take a break but I'm sure when retirement/permanent living out there comes, I'll be persuaded, ha. :-)

  3. I thoroughly enjoy the tv during the summer when it is so HOT outside that I don't want to do anything out there. Plus the fact, I'm getting older & don't want to be out there. Winter nights are long and the tv helps those hours too. As a child we only had radio and we played cards but there were several of us in one house. High speed internet....I could take it or leave it but it is nice to keep up with everyone and share things and learn things. Sometimes I think it is a way for the government to keep track of what we are doing and how we are doing it. Just a thought. Have a great week.

    1. LOL, I totally hear ya! We enjoy a break from the TV but if I didn't have it all the time I think I might miss it. WHen we come inside from whatever weather, hot or cold, it's not a bad respite huh?

  4. I am happy to have the opportunity to use fast internet, I wouldn't be enjoying your blog, otherwise!

    1. Amen, please forgive my rant, it wasn't my intention to make it sound like it's a bad thing. It was more about civilization coming to our rural location. It's good, I know that. And when it helps wonderful people like you stop by and visit, then even better! :-)

  5. I definitely use the internet way more than TV. I have a very hard time unplugging. I recently read a story the average person checks their smart phone 150 times per day (or approximately every 6 1/2 minutes) That is a lot of connectivity! I am not that bad...I think

    1. Ha, I hear ya. You know, I spend all day long on the computer and phones (at work) but when I get home, I am back on the internet. Usually working on this blog, ha, and reasearching things...I know I don't check my phone that many times a day for sure. But maybe 30? We do internet surf more than tv as well.

  6. The only option out here in the sticks [as we like to say now that we've moved temporarily] is either Dish or a MiFi jetpack. I can't imagine them ever being able to lay the cable to get fiber optic internet out here. I am sure everyone would love it, as I know we did when we were back in civilization, but it is just so dang. . .rural. Impossible I would think.

    Speaking of Starbucks, which I haven't seen one in ages - we had the sweetest little hometown coffee house/café that served the best homemade pies and coffees. I was saddened to see that after visiting it for the 3 [4?] months that we've been living here that it was boarded up this past weekend. They closed down. :( And they were not only better than Bux, they were cheaper. Sigh. I don't think you have to worry about a Bux near you anytime soon if our area can't even sustain a local café.

    And good plan on no TV. We only have an antenna - local stations and such. The reception isn't too bad, but I have honestly stopped watching it anymore because the farm reports and local access cooking shows, while quite unintentionally funny, don't interest me. I have forgotten what world news is. hee Ah well. It's the country life.

    Somebody's gotta live out here. ::grin:: Take care my friend.

  7. I use the internet much more than watching TV. So much to learn - so little time !!

  8. Options are always good to have and choices will always have to be weighed ;-) Luckily, you're tucked back from the main road, so the city should never be at your doorstep, though conveniences may come ever closer.


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