
Friday, September 20, 2013


We've got rain!

Radar image 1
This was the radar image earlier today, after weeks of little to no rain at all, today there is rain all over our part of Texas.

Storm clouds brewing
I had "J" of 2nd Family snap a photo at the farm and she went out
(between storm bands) and got these clouds...kind of intimidating but if they bring welcome water, and nothing else, they're OK.

Radar image 2
Then on the way home from work, this was the radar image, still rain everywhere.  I'm guessing this weather will alter our weekend plans but it can do this Saturday and Sunday, we need it.

Hope you have a great weekend, I'll check in as things happen!


  1. Look at those storm clouds. It should be an interesting weekend dodging rainstorms. Rain is a perfectly acceptable reason to avoid outside work. I am sure there are plenty of inside things you can do. Like napping…Napping when the rain is falling is such a wonderful thing:) I hope you have a great weekend!!

    1. They were pretty awesome huh? Storms weren't too bad, no hail or bad lightning, but lots of rain. I love the idea of just hanging inside all weekend, ha. Napping in the rain is one of life's guilty pleasures huh? :-)

  2. Guess you do! Congrats. Here I am over here trying to get a roof on before weather hits. lol

    1. And you made it! Yay!! Yes, we needed the rain. It was welcome.

  3. 1st Man,

    YAY Rain.....finally for both of our areas!

    Today was a beautiful day to work inside the house.

    Temperatures are reducing to the 50's over the weekend in the evenings here.

    1. So glad we all got the much needed rain. And now the cooler weather is coming. Nothing wrong with that.


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