
Sunday, September 8, 2013


Bet that got your attention, ha.

John Deere out of gas
You know, last weekend I got the mower back up and running and used it to clear a trail or two and of course to pull the cart while watering and moving stuff around.  Well, what WAS a full tank of gas when I started that, was about half used up.  I parked it, covered it and waited for the next use.  So this weekend, I was out on the Zen Machine, have a great time as usual and finishing up the mowing.

While mowing along one of the fence lines, it sputtered to a stop.


I checked the gas level.  Empty.  Sigh.

I forgot when I hopped on it that I had filled it up the last time BUT had used up about half of it.  So, begrudgingly, I made the 3 acre walk from where it died to the shed with the gas can.  Then I made the return 3 acre walk carrying the nearly full five gallon gas can.

Now I have gas!  Rest assured I won't be making that mistake again!
On the upside, it was good exercise.


  1. Hate it when that happens! Glad you are back on the Zen machine.

    1. I am pretty sure i learned my lesson but we'll see. Yes, glad to be back and mowing, although cutting the grass is just a side benefit. It's more about riding around and clearing my head I think. :-)

  2. zen and the art of motorcycle (big green machine) maintenance!

    1. HA! Too funny! Hey, that would make a good book title someday, LOL!

  3. that'll learn ya .........been there done that many times over on many different modes of transportation myself.

    1. Yep, I kind of have a feel for how far I can go when it's full and I fill it before I head out. This day was different because I was thinking of it as full from the last time. I'll definitely check it from now on. Lesson learned. :-)

  4. hey - all exercise in my mind is good exercise. that is all. bahahahahah! glad you were back on the big green zen...i know how much you love it buddy!

    your friend,

    1. Yep, I did remind myself of that several times during the walk, haha. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. That would teach me a lesson really quickly!

  6. Well, excuuuuuuse you!

    Oh, that kind of gas :-D

  7. 1st Man,

    I'm not against exercise but when it's hot in TX it can be extremely hot. I would carry a walk talkie and radio my mate for help. Have them bring me the gas can.

    1. I would have so done that....'cept I was alone. Out there by myself. Sigh. I learned a valuable lesson though so I don't think it will happen again. Side note, I DO carry my cell with me in case I have an emergency or something when I'm alone out there. But it's funny you mentioned the walkie talkies, I've thought in the past about getting a good set for the farm, it would be so much easier than cell calls and trying to get a signal etc. Plus it would be part of a prepping plan. I need to do some research on that. Thanks for the reminder!!

  8. I have a small place and run out of gas often. My walk to the shed for some gas is not near the 3 acres. As a suggestion, how about hooking up that new John Deere trailer and loading a small can of gas in it. You'll never be out again. Plus, if you come across something you like, (rock, misshapen tree branch, rattlesnake) you can haul it back.

  9. I get that it was a long, hot walk, but I've never seen distance measured in acres before! ;)

  10. You do have fun on that green machine.


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