
Thursday, September 19, 2013


Potting Bench, image from forum

This is something I need (certainly by next Spring) and I like this look.  This one looks like something that would be right at home at the farm.  You can read all about this one by clicking HERE for Gardenweb.

I think I could easily find an old table in need of some sprucing up.  Then the back of this one is actually made from an old door fastened to the back.  I think a solid door done like this would be nice as it would allow for hanging of shelves and hooks and all sorts of fun stuff.

Have a great day!

Be Inspired!


  1. i love potting benches like these. i use mine a lot.

    1. Yours is gorgeous!! I am inspired by yours as well.

  2. Not sure about the door... But the table I love

    1. Ha, the door is different, but works, I think, in that setting. I'd like a solid door I believe because as I said, it would create a back board that I could put shelves and hooks on. I'm on the lookout now for a table.

  3. Love it and you definitely have a go at making one - just be careful to stick to what you have in mind though and that you don't end up using so many odds and sods that the thing ends up looking less like a potting bench and more like a .....well.....mess - as did mine lol.

    1. Ha, I'm sure yours is not a mess. Hey, we all make it what we want it to be. Maybe it's not for everyone, but when we make our own, I think we come up with something uniquely ours, right? :-)

  4. A baby changing table will work for this. I saw a half dozen for $22 each today. I think I can find one cheaper. And, I have a door sitting here waiting for a job, a place in life.

    1. A baby changing table?! Brilliant! Did you see them at a tag sale or something? I wondered where to get a table like this, short of finding one on the side of the road. And of course getting something that's at least real wood so it will hold up (for a few seasons anyway) out in the rain/heat. A door I could find most anywhere but I'd like to find a table I could use. :-)

  5. Dear 1st Man,
    I missed this post when you first put it up but I'm glad I found it.
    I really like this idea, especially having the old door as a backing for the table. This is something for me to think about for the future!
    Bye for now

    1. Isn't it a great idea? I have definitely been thinking about it. I don't need one now, but could definitely use one by next Spring. Though if everything came together at the right time, I'd do it sooner rather than later, ha.


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