
Saturday, September 28, 2013


When I left the house in town, this was the radar image.  Nothing was in the direction of the farm so I thought I might get there before the rain.

Well, below is a photo of the road on the way to the farm.  Obviously, I didn't make it before the rain did.  Sigh.  We need it but how about during the week instead of on our weekends?

So it's a day (possibly a weekend) of inside projects yet again.
Probably for the best, it is still hot and humid and there is plenty to do inside.  There will be plenty of good weekends once the cooler weather gets here.

Hope your weekend is good to you!


  1. ack! i hear your pain. we had non-stop rain for the last 2 weeks of august and that is our "true and proper" summer. then we had grey and rainy days for most of september. today and the next 3 days are supposed to be awesome - we had a river day today and it was lovely! i will send some of this sunshine your way - it should get there by tomorrow so at least you will have a nice sunday at the farm!

    your friend,

    1. It must have been held up at the border, you know, customs and all, LOL! Still rainy, though I see some breaks in the rain. Don't you love when you have the first sunny days after a long bout of rain? It's like coming out of a cocoon. Hope you enjoyed your river day.

  2. Cold and rainy here, a good day for cleaning my kitchen cupboards inside and out! Then I can mop the kitchen floor, clean the oven.....I guess I need more rainy days, LOL!

    1. COLD and rainy? Sigh, I miss those days. We are still humid, very humid, and rainy. That makes it a stain inside and do nothing because the a/c is still having to run kind of day. LOL! Hope you got your things clean. Those are fun days.

  3. We are having rain here, too, thank heavens.

  4. 1st Man,

    Rain for Texas and Oklahoma is a blessing as long as there's no flooding.

    This rain will give you an opportunity to work inside the house and maybe catch up on some good reading.


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