
Sunday, September 29, 2013


More rain clouds
Today was rainy again, from overnight to morning to midday.  These are the clouds are over downtown Houston.  2nd Man pulled  a muscle in his back (apparently while he was sleeping, go figure) and so we opted to stay in town.  Not much got done this weekend actually, except some cooking, a bit of cleaning, and some reading.

I did get a great new book in the mail the other day that I spent the weekend reading through.  I'll write about it this week.  Otherwise, we just didn't do much of anything at all.

Part of me feels guilty but then again, sometimes those are the best days, aren't they?  Hope you had a great weekend.


  1. Wishing 2nd. Man a speedy recovery. That sleeping is really hard on a guy....just ask Mr. Granny!


  2. LOL...of course, he did something while awake and it showed up after sleeping. Reading in rainy weather is fun.

  3. 1st Man,

    Oh dear, sending prayers and hugs for a speedy recovery for 2nd Mans back.
    Back pull or twists are no fun, don't forget to ice the problem area.

  4. The best way to spend a rainy, relaxing and reading.



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