
Thursday, October 3, 2013


Many of my inspiration posts involve seating.  I'm not sure why, I guess I just feel like yards and gardens and just about any outdoor space, need spots to sit and relax.  Or observe.  Or rest.  Or doze off.  

With our heat, we can't really have a metal bench, at least all metal, because it would leave blistering marks in the Summer.  So I've always been partial to this style.  Not sure what it's called, I've always said it was 'vintage style' or 'classic style'.  Now, I need to find a place that has lots of these for sale (and for not so much $, LOL) so I can put them all over the yard before next Spring.

Hope you are having a great day, I'm going to catch up on comments tonight from the last few days.  Computer access has been limited, my apologies.

Be inspired!


  1. i am big on having benches in the garden. i have them tucked all over mine.

    1. And your gardens are SO pretty, I would stop and sit in every one!

  2. The older and creakier I get, the more seating options have been appearing all over the the goat paddock, next to the garden, in the barn...

    1. Ha, I hear ya (and feel ya, ha) I was thinking the same thing. A place to just stop and rest and relax. :-)

  3. Over the years, I have seemed to want more seating options. On a lot that is 1/3 acre, I have two swings, three benches, and a picnic table with benches, all ready for me to plop down and rest my body--back and knee. I rather like the idea of having unique benches instead of all one kind. Can you be on the lookout for things on the curb or in thrift shops. One of my benches is one of the old courthouse steps. another was left behind when the people next door moved, and the other came from an antique store. One swing was custom made and the other was in a yard and not even for sale. The picnic table with attached benches was ordered and will be the last one I ever need. I also have two other tables with their own chairs where I can stop to rest. Sitting down is very important to my ability to be in the yard and sort of function. Plus, I enjoy sitting and watching birds and hens and flowers.

    1. Sounds like an awesome place!

    2. Doesn't it? I agree with Joani, sounds like my kind of place. You have inspired me to think of doing different things in different spots. Just stopping to enjoy what we work hard to create, right? Thanks for sharing the info!!

  4. I think this is so attractive, and I like lots of places to sit, too!

    1. Of course the landscaping in this photo doesn't hurt does it? Ha.

  5. What good is a garden if you don't have a bench to sit and appreciate your hard work?

  6. The most attractive part of the scene you posted is the plants and the brick under the bench. I need to put bricks under my benches so mowing will be easier, weedeating will be unnecessary, and the whole bench and area will be neater without so much effort.

    1. You know, I didn't think about that but you are absolutely right! And I have a bunch of bricks left over from the previous owner that I didn't know what to do with. Brilliant! Thanks for point that out. Perhaps that's what drew me to the photo to begin with. :-)

  7. This looks so inviting to sit and just listen, maybe sipping a glass of ice tea. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

    1. Funny you mentioned 'listening' I do that from time to time and wondered if I was the only one. Just stopping to listen to the wind, the birds, etc. Love it!

  8. You just found my ideal garden!!


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