
Thursday, October 17, 2013


Picnic table dinner, photo source unknown
Many of you that follow the blog know that we have this great dinner party tree that we call "Barnabas" (click HERE to read more about him).  Well, I spent some time clearing out around it and under it to create a future spot for an outdoor dining table.  I was torn on table and chairs or picnic type bench.  Well, a very sweet friend of the farm emailed this photo to me the other day to give me inspiration.  And boy did it.

Now granted, it's not like we'll have this exact set up of course, but it definitely gives me ideas to go off of and that's the whole purpose of inspiration!  I would have never thought about beaded curtains to hang from the tree.  And of course putting a chandelier in the tree would be awesome, ha.

Have a great day!

Be inspired!


  1. So will you line up all the inspirations you have had for that outdoor space and pick and choose? or do a combination? Can't wait to see the outcome next summer.

    1. I'll pick and choose, taking what we like best from each. Already hoarding, er, uh, stocking up on stuff, ha.

  2. SO many ideas sprang to mind when I saw the picture! I had to pass it on ;-)

    1. You are very kind to think of us. Thanks, definitely an inspiration. I've been looking for beaded curtains that might work now, ha.

  3. Oh, how GORGEOUS! Love the idea of the beaded curtain, how clever!

    Barnabas is by far the more handsome tree, though, and I know you will do him proud. We have Zacchaeus, Ichabod, Ebeneezer and Endora at our place, and Endora clearly needs her own beaded curtain. (Icahbod will be amused and Ebenezer will be jealous, but a beaded curtain wouldn't become him.)

    1. Isn't it great? And if you got the right kind of beaded curtains, they would sparkle and glow in the light.

      OK, now you have some AWESOME tree names. Endora? OMG love it!! Do you know Ichabod was on my short list too. Still might use it on another cool old mesquite on the property, ha. Thanks so much for the comment!!

  4. I like the picnic table. Okay, so that is what I I love the wol idea of elegant picnics.

    1. Thanks, I really thought about a rustic table and some mismatched chairs but I like the idea of a picnic table, it seems more communal and more intimate. Now I just need to buy a couple (what to put two, end to end, we have the space under the tree for it) so that we could have a nice long table for lots of friends and family.

  5. 1st Man,

    I love this picture, it makes for a great romantic place.
    Barnabas would stand proud displaying a chandelier.

    1. Thanks! I think a chandelier, or at least something sparkly that lights up, is a nice contrast to Barnabas' old gnarled wood. :-)

  6. Such a beautiful setting. It's so elegant and yet, there is some fun with it too in the use of the picnic table. Love it.

    1. I think that's what I like, dressing up an 'ordinary' picnic table just takes it to a whole different level, very neat. Working it all out now, ha. Thanks!!!

  7. SO THAT'S What I am supposed to do with that big box of Mardi Gras beads huh???


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