
Friday, October 18, 2013


Saw this butterfly and it was just so pretty. It resembled a Monarch but I'm not 100% sure. It was actually a
Gulf Fritillary or Passion Butterfly (thanks LindaP). It  looked a bit beaten up but still flew all around the bushes this particular day.  She kept me company while I pulled weeds and did some yardwork.
I really tried to capture this image the way it was in person, but it didn't quite come through as I had hoped.  It was a grove of shady trees and there was a ray of light shining down on this white flowering weed.  It looked as if t was glowing.  It really was so pretty.  I swear, it's a vacation every time we go out there, and hey, it's time again!  Fingers crossed for great weather.


  1. Crossing my fingers for you as it's dreary, raining, and only 39 degrees here! Loved the pictures.

    1. Ugh, dreary and raining and cool here. It actually poured most of the afternoon and evening. Sigh. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings. Keep em crossed, ha.

  2. Awesome photo. This time of year is so enjoyable with all the greenery and flowering shrubs as well as the flying objects. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend. It is beautiful in Arizona..

    1. Thanks, it was a very pretty day (THAT day anyway, it's cold and wet today/tonight, sight). Enjoy yours!!!

  3. Could this be a Gulf Fritillary butterfly? Was the underside of the wings kind of buff colored?

    1. You are awesome! You know your butterflies! Yep, that was it, I checked your link and google pictured it and that was it! I edited my post to reflect that, thank you again.

  4. Nice pictures, better sentiments--"like a vacation."


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