
Sunday, October 13, 2013


America Needs Scrap Rubber vintage poster, image courtesy of WWII Museum Archive
Here is a different kind of poster from WWII and the recurring theme of recycle/reuse for the war effort.

This one is kind of neat because they used specific numbers for how much rubber was required on several important war items.  And of course they reminded people that "America Needs Your Scrap Rubber".

Hope you are having a good weekend.
Rain yesterday, more in the forecast today.


  1. It is wild to see America mobilize for a specific goal. Would it not be epic if America focused itself on some anew such as education and much needed works programs (infrastructure) to get us going again? As did all these other points in time where the government was useful by injecting a bunch of drive and capital into the economy?

    1. I am going to pour myself a hot cup of tea and reflect upon that for a bit. ;)

    2. Wouldn't that be amazing? Sadly I think our government is broken now and I'm not sure that will ever happen again. It's almost as if we are all being pushed into self sufficiency, or perhaps we sense a need to take care of ourselves, like our Grandparents did. Have a cup for me! Stay warm.


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