
Friday, November 8, 2013


There is not much time left in the season before everything goes to brown and dead dormant for the season so it's nice to see a bit more before then...

Found these lovely colors last weekend.
I love when nature brings us the colors we want to see.
Purple above...

These red and orange non edible berries...

And these dainty little yellow flowers that seem to be springing up on small bushes everywhere.

The property was drenched last weekend, there was water still standing, and lots of mud.  I didn't get to do much outside...but it's OK, this weekend has a 100% chance of being gorgeous.

We got up early this morning and headed down the street (in town) to a neat sale that the city is having, more on that later.  Then it's off the farm to see what we can get done.

Have a great day!


  1. Beautiful flowers. Glad you're set up for a good weekend. It's pouring buckets here--and it snowed yesterday. I haven't seen the sun in weeks........

  2. Isn't it amazing how precious color is this time of year? I love the autumn colors but those jewels of unexpected color are always a treat for the eyes.

  3. Spots of colors make one smile. Can't wait to see what you bought at the sale and what you are up to this weekend at the farm.

  4. 1st Man,

    Hey sweetie, I love these pictures of the colors and wild flowers.
    The bunches of berries almost look like cherry tomatoes.
    Enjoy your weekend!!!
    P.S. I had the zen machine out, and just enjoyed cutting the grass today. The weather was beautiful, we also downed some trees.


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