
Sunday, November 17, 2013


Calling all my gardening friends

Shallots sprouting early
We were at the farm yesterday and I found that both the shallots AND the garlic that I planted just a couple of weeks ago, are already sprouting!!
So this newbie asks, is this going to be a problem?

Garlic sprouting early
I am happy of course to see something sprouting that I planted, that's always a great feeling, but we may also have our first (light) freeze next weekend.  I don't know if that's another issue.  Should I trim these back?  The hay mulch we put down got blown off in a windstorm.  Should I put more?  Leave it as is?

Otherwise, it was a good time at the farm.  Got to mow, did some inside and outside projects, relaxed a bit and of course 2nd Man cooked a great meal.
It's always good when we can have a weekend like that.


To all your comments helping this newbie worrying about his garlic, LOL.
I love having so many friends who can point me in the right direction.


  1. this is perfectly fine. the tops might fall back when it gets colder but they will sprout up again. they know their job and they are doing it.

    1. Yay! I thought I did something wrong, like maybe our weather was too mild and they thought it was Spring, ha. Let go and let nature do its thing, right? Ha.

  2. I agree. I don't think it will bother them. It's only the tops and the good stuff is underground. Stop worrying so much. It is what it is. Have a great week.

    1. Ha, it's just after last Spring and having to let the garden go, I didn't want to be off to a bad start again, LOL. Thanks for stopping by, yep, the week is here, you too!

  3. This is fine. Isn't it exciting?

  4. We planted our garlic yesterday, tucked them up in bed and soon a blanket of snow will keep them cosy until spring.However,our lilacs have buds on them!
    Jane x

    1. Hard to think of a blanket of snow as cozy, haha. But I understand. I guess the plants know what they are doing lol. Be warm!!

  5. Thanks for reminding me I must plant garlic. Those sprouts look so pretty.

    1. They are pretty aren't they? I love when plants spring up (no pun intended) out of the ground like that. It's a wonderful circle of life.

  6. I think this is what it is supposed to do - get a start before winter, then stop and freeze, then start growing again in spring. But my thumb is a very pale green, so... ;)

    1. Makes sense to me! And hey, when it comes to plants, pale green thumb is better than brown or black, right? ;-)

  7. You're fine. Mine have also sprouted, and I'm glad they did. I found the squirrels had dug around in the bed and moved many of them, so I had to dig some out and replant them (they were developing lovely roots). I do cover mine with straw or leaves, but I think our winters are much colder than yours.

    1. I might still get some mulch it down, just to keep it snug. Glad to know they are doing what they do. But yes, you do have a much colder winter, ha. Stay warm!!

  8. You are doing just fine. I would mulch it good and let it go. I noticed that mine is starting to sprout too. It's just what garlic does. You are going to have some beautiful garlic come springtime.

    1. Thank you! And nice to see you again! Miss your comments, you are always welcome here, I know you know your stuff too! :-) Amazing that it all sprouts everywhere and then does what it's supposed to huh?

    2. 1st Man,

      I have to 2nd what Sci stated. I always put straw over the top of my sprouts and garden beds before letting them rest through the winter.
      Enjoy your harvest come Spring :-)

  9. No need for me to respond. It does seem that you have quite a few experienced gardeners that follow you 1st man.

    It never gets old for me... year after year, I get excited to see the 1st sprouts in my garden! Yay!!!

    1. Ha, you are too sweet. The first sprouts are so exciting, even in WINTER< ha.


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