
Thursday, December 26, 2013


Christmas tree on front porch, image via PINTEREST
With the weather, the illnesses and the loss in our family this year, we didn't decorate much for Christmas.  So now I'm starting to think about next year and things we can do.

I'll be honest, I never thought about putting a tree outside on the front porch.  Lights, garland, other decor of course, but I love the idea of putting a whole tree out there.  I'm thinking about the after Christmas sales, I might look for a tree that would work next year on the porch.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and spent time with family.  And of course, hope Santa brought you everything you wanted.

Be inspired!


  1. LOVE this! I have several porch trees. I love how festive it looks.

  2. i used to put a tree on the porch each year. maybe i will do it next year too!

  3. That sounds great and a lot easier than what we do. We would decorate a tree in the front yard but it became a pain hauling the ladder around to get the decorations down. Funny how it was fun putting them up. We now decorate the front gate and part of the fence.

  4. 1st Man,

    I have to agree be inspired!!! I'm trying to be :-)

  5. In the 60's my parents would get a real tree, cut the branches off the back, then mount that 1/2 tree on the outside of our front picture window. I've never seen that anywhere else. Course, we live in MI where getting a pine, fir, or balsam is simple and not expensive.
    Suggestion. Shopping after Christmas sales is a good idea, but posting on Free- and cheap-cycle lists for an artificial tree might work too. Or hitting the thrift stoires this week. Goodwill, Salvation army. Lots of options.

  6. Oh WOW! I AM inspired. How beautiful and what a great idea. I've never thought of that! Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Hugs!!


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