
Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This is 2nd Family's horse, Artax, meeting the 'new neighbor'.  I watched this for about thirty minutes the last time I was out there.  This calf is on one side of the fence, the neighbor's, and then Artax is in 2nd Family's back pasture.

The calf discovered the horse, and they followed each other up and down the fence line.  They would be nose to nose, then they would nudge each other.  It was so adorable.
A horse and a cow, best friends
Wherever Artax grazed, the cow followed along.  I tried to snap some more pictures, but then I was busted!  "Hey, what are you taking pictures of?"

Thank you all for the so very kind words about the passing of my Grandfather.  It's comforting to hear such nice thoughts from all of you.

I'm also back to normal.  Cold is almost over, well, my physical cold, the actual outside cold weather is still here and boy is it cold, brrrr.  I'm back amongst the blogging world, so I wanted to start back with something sweet that I took pictures of the last sunny day at the farm.

Contest drawing will finally happen in the next couple of days!


  1. Your pictures are beautiful! They look like paintings, what with the background all hazy. How did you do that?

    1. Awww, aren't you kind. Thank you. I just play around with the filters that are built in to the photo software (it's an Apple) and I found one that creates a haze. It's the first time I've used it and i liked the look. Thanks!!! :-)

  2. They look like long lost brothers of a different mother! So adorable and that horse!!! Gorgeous. But then again I love a good horse

    1. Oh my gosh, I thought the same thing. And you want to know something truly hilarious? 2nd Family has a dog, her name is Alice, and she has the same red and white markings. I would have given anything to have her in the picture too, ha.

  3. Artax is cute. Is he an only horse? Horses and cows are herd animals so if they don't have someone of their own species to socialise with they will be drawn to other animals.

    1. Yes, he's an only horse. They had two but the other one died a few years ago (he lived to about 30 years old). I think Artax is probably lonely. They are talking about getting another one. Since their back pasture is a large part of our front yard, they can get all the animals they want. :-)

  4. Don't you just love it when animals make friends?

    1. Isn't it nice? I love those tv shows that have 'unlikely animal friends'. I'm a sucker for animals, what can I say? :-)

  5. Glad you're feeling better. As Heila said, a herd animal will seek out company. I have seen it many times. We even had one of our Alpaca's bond with our dog. They use to take turns chasing one another around the house. It does bring a smile.

    1. Thank you! I love seeing it. From what they have told me (even though I haven't been out in a couple of weeks), they are still the best of friends. I'd love to see the dog and Alpaca playing, that must have brought many hours of amusement.

  6. Replies
    1. LOL! So true! Except they don't have to fight the snow like yours, ha.

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better now. I am still in the midst of my bad cold - I think I caught it from you! Bye for now,

    1. Hmm, would that be a 'computer virus'? LOL! Feel better soon. Warm thoughts from across the pond!

  8. So sad that the cow will eventually be hamburger. Glad you are feeling better!

    1. Oh yeah, ruin my fantasy, LOL! Just kidding, sadly, I know what you mean. I try not to think about it, hence the reason I don't think I could ever have animals we would eat. I'll admit it, I just couldn't do it. OK, maybe if I HAD to....

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  10. You have been cold, especially for Houston, but we hit -25 for a wind chill earlier this week. Miss you my friend. I know it will take some time before your heart is back to "normal" but you have a kind and wonderful heart. The biggest thing that I love about you. Take care of yourself.


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