
Friday, December 20, 2013


Not the post I wanted to do on this "Feline Friday"...but we lost our senior kitty this morning.  We had to make the tough decision no pet owner ever wants to have to make, but it was the right thing to do.

I'm not sure how much loss we're supposed to endure this Christmas, we feel like we get up only to get pushed back down, but it is what it is I suppose. 

There will be a longer post with some photos of our precious kitty throughout the years whenever I can bring myself to sort through them and create a nice posting.  I was there when he came into the world and we were both there at the end.  He never once set foot outside, so he was by our side every day for 18 years.  To say we were attached would be an understatement.

He lived a wonderfully long life so we must have done something right huh?

We're just emotionally wrecked for now, so taking another break for a bit.  We just have to reorient things before the holidays, and get our wind back.

Thanks for understanding...


  1. i am so very sorry to hear this. i lost both of my kitties a while back. they were 20 and 21. it is good to know we gave them such good lives but it does not ease the loss. be gentle to yourself and take plenty of time to grieve.

  2. So sorry....there are no words that could ease your loss. I'm shedding tears with you this morning. RIP, beautiful boy.

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  4. 1st Man and 2nd Man - a lot of people think that pets are pets, they are kind to them and love them. but special people have pets that are family right from the beginning. a lot of people don't understand that for some of us, when we lose that precious pet, it is losing a family member - it's no different than losing a brother, sister, parent or child. i am glad that you were able to provide so many good years to your boy, he's such a handsome little man! but i understand, having gone through this myself, that the pain, the loss and the grief is real. please take care of each other during this difficult time and know that we are sending much love to both of you.

    your friends,
    kymber and jambaloney

  5. I am so very sorry. They are our furry children, aren't they? I lost my 16 year old Maya a year ago and it still hurts so much. You precious kitty was loved and you gave him the best life any cat could have. Let the tears come and remember him with love

  6. So sorry that your beautiful Sydney is no longer with us. I enjoyed seeing his pictures here and seeing that he's a much loved member of your family. Rest in peace, Lovely Sydney.

  7. Oh FM and SM. I am so sorry! Sydney was much loved, had a long and wonderful life. It is never easy when we have to say goodbye to one of our fur-kids. Thinking of you ((hugs))

  8. I am solo sorry. I see Sydney being lovingly patted by your grandfather. They are together in the ether and not very far away from you both. I feel for you both.

  9. Those furbabies are our children and we love them as much as humans. You'll see him again one day, I just know my Castor is probably sleeping on an angel's shoulder. Sometimes I glimpse him from the corner of my eye so I know he's still around me. Sydney is with you too.

  10. I'm so ,so very sorry.
    Grief is the price we pay for love...but we all know that the grief we feel is nothing compared to the love our furry babies give us. Sydney is in your will never leave.
    Jane xxx

  11. Aww 1st man! That is terrible timing. So sorry!!

  12. 1st Man and 2nd Man,

    My heart goes out to you both. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sydney was family, such a beautiful angel.
    December 2013 has been a very hard month/year for both of us. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  13. Yes, it hurts way down deep inside to lose anyone and anything you've loved so deeply. When you feel that next gentle breeze blow, turn your face to it, close your eyes and imagine it's Sydney and your grandpa letting you know that they are okay, and for you not to grieve so hard and long. It just seems to help so much to think that way when you hurt so badly.....the breeze will touch you when it's time, it did for me.
    Pam in Louisiana

  14. I am so sorry for yet another loss that you must endure. Sweet boy. RIP Sydney.

  15. Even when it's the right thing to do it's also the hardest thing to do. When I had to make the same decision for my senior kitty Maggie I was gutted. Please know that those of us privileged to have shared the life of a furry companion understand. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Sydney.

  16. I am sad for you. 2013 has not been a very good year for me either.

  17. Take care and comfort from each other as you can. *HUGS* What an awful run of luck you guys are having. My thoughts are with you.

  18. Oh, God bless you both. Please accept my condolences. So heartbreaking. Sending hugs from Arkansas.

  19. I can't say much more that hasn't already been said. I have had cats all my life and it is gut wrenching when they go. I know you and 2nd Man must surely be feeling a double punch and much sadness. I cannot say that it will ever go away, but you have many memories and know that Sydney was well taken care and much loved. About a year after I lost my last cat Zoe, I brought Gracie in my life. I love her like all the others and I don't know what I would ever do without her. In time, hopefully you will decide to bring another one into your life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and 2nd Man. Take Care.

  20. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your dear Sydney. I know he was an important member of your family for many years & that you loved him very much. Thank you for sharing Sydney with readers via your posts. When you featured Sydney on his 18th birthday recently, it was clear that he was a fun kitty to share your lives with.
    I am sure Sydney would want you to remember that he lived the the best life any cat could wish for. He seemed like such a sweet boy Be kind to yourselves as you begin the journey of healing your broken hearts. As time passes, I hope your sadness is gradually replaced by treasured memories you made with Sydney..

  21. Awww, I'm so so so sorry to hear that. You must be feeling so sad now and my thoughts go with you. You gave him a wonderful life, quite obviously and you will always be grateful for what he gave you in return. Eventually you will remember him without pain and just enjoy the wonderful years he gave you. For now, just grieve for him. Lots of love to you. Dan

  22. My heart-felt condolences, 1st and 2nd Man! I have 2 furbabies, a dog and a cat, and they are my family, as Sydney Cat was, and still is, part of yours. Our loved ones never really die, though, as long as they're in our hearts and our memories! *hugs* to you both!

  23. It's no easy decision to put a cat down. You did well by Sydney for him to live so long. So sorry for all your losses of late.

  24. Hugs sweetie. Our four legged kids are still just as precious to our hearts. You know I"m a pet lover and I feel your loss. Love you.

  25. So sorry for your loss. This terrible sorrow we feel at the loss of our companions is, I think, the 'price' of all the love they give us, and all the love they allow us to give. At the time of their leaving, the price--which is truly a piece our heart--seems much too high. But as life continues, and we continue feel the love for them and from them, we realize it was a bargain. Wishing you the best.

  26. oh I'm so sorry, as a cat lover/owner I know only too well what you are going through. All the kind words and thoughts will help a little, but won't take away the pain and emptiness.
    He had a long life, as you said, you must have done something right.
    I had to make 'that' decision earlier this year, and am still feeling the guilt and the loss.
    sending you (((hugs)))

  27. Very sorry to hear this. Take care.

  28. My heart goes out to you and 2nd Man. I feel your pain right now. My precious Miss Banana passed away yesterday.

  29. I'm so very sorry for this additional loss for both of you.

  30. It's my first visit to your blog (came over from Octoberfarm), but reading this post I just have to leave a comment. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I have been there, too, so I now how you feel.

    I still wish you a peaceful Christmas.

    Greetings from Munich,

  31. So sorry to hear this {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

  32. Oh no! I'm so very sorry for your loss. When we lose a 4 legged family member, it takes a piece of our hearts. Big, big hugs and love to you both.

  33. I am so sorry you lost your beloved Sydney. We lost our 17 1/2 year old Kit Kitty this past October, & it still hurts. Hugs to you both & the other pets, too.


  34. My Belated Condolences and ((hugs)) to you & yours. And, please give your kitties an ear rub from Sparky, my 19 yrs young Siamese farm rescue, and me.

  35. My Belated Condolences and ((hugs)) to you and yours. And, please, give kitties an ear rub from Sparky, my 19 yrs young Siamese farm rescue, and me.


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