
Saturday, January 18, 2014


Nosey cows
They're baaaack...

I forgot to post this when it happened, hence the green grass even though we are now in the middle of Winter.  But I figured better late than never.  The cows had been grazing on another part of their property so I hadn't seen them in awhile.  But they came back and as usual, they spent their day grazing and 'observing' my every move in the garden area.

Fast forward to this weekend.  I was at the farm most of Saturday working in the garden area and doing other little projects and guess who came over to the fence to visit?

Friendly black cow
This one was curious about what I was doing and came right up to the fence to say hello...literally.  I heard some mooing and turned around and took the pic.

Pretty Texas sky
It was a beautiful day Saturday and supposed to be even prettier for Sunday.  It was partly cloudy, there was a nice breeze and it was cool.  I almost forgot we're still in the middle of January!  Two weeks ago it was pipe busting polar vortex weather and now it's gorgeous and Spring-like.  Of course, I'm sure 2 weeks from now it will be cold again (though here's to no more polar vortexes!).

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. I had to chuckle about your neighborly cows. Animals are always so curious about what we humans do! We never have a shortage of an audience here with our goats.

    I'll raise my glass to no more polar vortexes too! This has been one of our coldest winters since we got our place. My hope is that it means there will be less insect problems this summer. :)

    1. I love watching them watching me, ha. They really are curious about us. I like how some are nervous when you get close and others come over to say hello. I bet the goats are fun to watch huh?

      Stay warm, yes, no more PV's, ha.

      Congrats on the book by the way!

  2. 1st Man,

    Cows, there so interested in knowing what your doing.
    This one is a cutie. He probably thought, oh boy a garden let me come over and help you groom it hehehehehehehe......

    Today is suppose to be beautiful here too.

    1. Hey, in the middle of last summer, I would have probably welcomed that 'grazing' instead of having to mow, ha.

      Hope you had a great weekend!!!


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