
Sunday, January 19, 2014


Vintage poster image, Don't Waste Food, image courtesy of NY Public Library
This is a fun one.  Urging conservation as well as growing it, it reminds civilians during the war that they should not waste food.  Not a crumb or drop!
I love the "Play Square" line.

Food was so important at the time, and remember, these were the days before packaged and processed food.  They were talking about not wasting food that was freshly grown, freshly prepared, etc.  It's hard to imagine a time when food was in short supply.  Makes us wonder what people would do today if all that food in the grocery store just stopped coming?

Change in plans for us today, 2nd Man is going to be traveling for work and so we had to run some last minute errands and then he's flying out of town tonight and will be gone all week, heading to Arizona.  I'll be spending this week with just me and the kitties...a good time to finalize plans for the garden at the farm.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. LOL! She is isn't she? She kinda reminded me of a young Julia Child. Of course, SHE was definitely a sturdy lass, ha.

  2. I love vintage poster Sunday- thanks for making my weekends a little brighter :)

    1. Aww, you are very sweet. I spent a few hours the other night looking for more online images and found enough to keep me posting them through April, so they'll keep coming! :-) Thanks again!

  3. Oh, he's in for a treat as the weather in Arizona is just gorgeous. Almost 80 today with some cloud cover, but still awesome.

    1. He said it was beautiful today too. When he stepped out of the airport he said it was cool but felt different that our cool here. Probably the no humidity, ha.

  4. My Grandma was a teen during WWII and it left a strong impression with her. There was no wasting food allowed at her table. She never did trust grocery stores either. Would not step foot in one. She did not believe that food produced and transported long distances could ever be fresh or nutritious. I don't think she was far off on that one. Thanks for sharing another great vintage poster. I really enjoy them.

    1. Wow, wise words from your Grandmother!! My grandfather (on my Mom's side) never allowed food to be wasted either. It was a different mindset, one that more people need to be into today, ha. Thanks for the nice words!!

  5. Love your vintage posters, and your sweet blog. I just wanted to say that the truth is that this poster's message applies even today as there are many folks here in the US and around the world who do not have enough food. Many of these are children. Those of us who care about food security for all can find many ways to "Share and play square with food!", starting with working to increase not reduce food stamps, giving to and volunteering local food banks, Meals on Wheels, etc.

    1. You make me blush, thank you. Yes you hit it spot on. We need to make sure more people don't go hungry, the young, adults, and seniors. I like the term 'food security'. Very true! Thank you!!

  6. 1st Man,

    Making plans for the garden is exciting. I'm sorry you're going to be by yourself for the week. 2nd Man will enjoy Arizona, has he been there before? Have him bring you back some neat kitchen art from Arizona.

    1. Yep, my biggest problem is trying not to do it all at once, ha. I have to pace myself and focus on one project at a time. I'm a multitasked at work but that doesn't always work in planning something like this, ha.

      Never been to Arizona and it looks like he might be there for a couple of months. Flying back and forth of course, not all at once. He'll fly out on Sunday and back on Thur/Fri. Should be interesting, ha. I will have to tell him to check some stuff out. Hmmm, maybe I should google some "ideas", haha.

    2. 1st Man,

      If 2nd Man's going to be there a while, maybe you could go for a long weekend??
      I used to do this when my hubby would go to work in another state for periods of times. I would pay for the flight, then the hotel and rental car was already covered. Hubby didn't work on the weekends I would visit him, and we would go sight seeing.


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