
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Recently, I blogged about Lehman's Non Electric being, other than seed catalogs, our favorite catalog to receive.  In the comments section of my post, several of you brought up concerns about "made in China" products.  I know that often, people don't go back and read comments later on.  In this case, there was a later comment made by one Galen LEHMAN, president of Lehman's.

Because I felt his response was important, I asked him if I could use his note as its own blog post and he graciously allowed.

"Thanks for your great story! I appreciate your kind words. The next time you visit, let me know. I'd love to meet you!

I would like to respond to the concerns that were raised about products imported from China. We are committed to selling USA made products where ever possible. We have a written policy on this and it is very simple. We will never displace any USA manufacturer with goods from another country. The only exception is when we find higher quality products somewhere else, a carefully considered move which we make because we believe that's what most customers want. Occasionally, if the price difference is significant, we may carry both the USA version and the imported version and allow our customers to choose.

When our staff says, "We would buy in the U. S., if we could," they are telling the truth. Sadly, in many cases, there are wide swaths of industry that no longer exist in the USA. For example, when was the last time you saw a USA-made stainless steel teakettle? Our promise is this: If you know of a USA made version of any imported item we carry, let us know and we will start selling it.

To see some of the blog posts I've written about our struggles getting USA made products, and about the ethics and outcomes of buying in China, visit and use the search term "China" or cut and paste this URL into your browser:

Thanks again for visiting our store!  Contact me any time.

Galen Lehman, Proprietor,"

In this day and age of Presidents/CEOs of large companies that are seemingly out of touch with those who shop/use their products, we find it totally refreshing that one took the time to read and understand concerns some of us had and then addressed them head on in an actual comment.

Thank you Mr. Lehman.  We will look forward to meeting you one day!
Until then, your catalog will continue to be our wish list book for the farm.


  1. We could do with more firms like that! (over in the UK as well)

    1. I know, the whole world could use more like Lehman's.

  2. 1st Man,

    I love shopping with Lehman's. Great post, and response. This is a company I will continue to do business with.

    1. Thank you! I felt it was important to make sure his note got out there. Not to mention they just have the NEATEST stuff. :-)

  3. Does REVERE no longer make their stainless steel products like kettles in Rome NY?

    1. The last time I shopped for Revereware, the packaging did say Made in Indonesia. I remember because considering who Revereware is... it quite simply offended me.

    2. I think they outsourced their metal as someone else said. If the metal is produced here, maybe that's how they can claim some part as made in the USA? Or maybe they just outsource everything now.

  4. Have always loved Lehman's, glad to hear this. Thanks for posting.

  5. Yay, glad to hear it. Must have been exciting to hear from him. I wanted to tell Kate above that I bought a Revere tea kettle last year and it says made in china on the bottom. I think maybe it's the metal that is processed here? And then shipped there to be made? I don't know but there was definitely a china sticker on the bottom. :-(

    1. Ha, it was neat to get a reply from him and he wrote me back from his email. I was honored he took the time and he was genuinely kind.

  6. Ha! I'm trying to picture getting a personal e-mail from the head of one of our retailers here...

    ... and trying some more...

    ... and some more...

    Good one Galen!!!!

    Now, please open a local branch here which specializes in non-electric goods. Do you have ANY idea how big your potential market could be...? :)

    1. Great comment. Mr. Lehman definitely understands his customers. I think having a location in an areas with a lot of off grid living would be a great idea. Maybe they can get some good shipping rates, ha.

  7. I knew there was a reason I loved their catalog! Like you, I'd love to someday go to the store and just go crazy buying stuff, ha. Thanks for sharing and Mr. Lehman if you are reading this, thank YOU.

    1. I'm sure he IS reading and I'm sure he appreciates the kind words. I could go crazy buying stuff in their catalog. Must resist as much as possible. A little bit at a time, ha.

  8. This just further reinforced WHY I love Lehman's. Oh if only more retailers followed suit. But I suppose that is what makes them special!

    1. I know right? But yes, I think they really DO understand their customers and know what we want and how to treat everyone. Definitely a special company for sure.

  9. Thanks to you all for your kind comments and support!
    @Kate - I've not seen a USA made teakettle, by Revere or anyone else, for nearly 20 years. If anyone knows of a source, let me know because we do have customers who want one.
    Galen Lehman

    1. Well, thank YOU Mr. Lehman, and your family, for giving us such a unique store! May you last for generations to come!

  10. This is awesome! I own a medical device company. We make disposable hemostats in Colorado!!!!! I cringe every time I read a post with Dollar Store Finds. It's all from China! Thanks for posting! laura


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!