
Saturday, February 1, 2014


Well, this is the weather here today.  I was able to get several things done outside at the farm so that's good, but now it's pouring rain and the cold weather is coming tomorrow and will last into the week. 

This seems to be the Winter of "if you don't like the weather, just give it a minute, it will change".  More on Sunday.  Hope your weekend is staying dry.


  1. 1st Man,

    I so hear you on the weather, give it a couple of minutes and it will all change again.
    Stay warm my friend!!! Is 2nd Man enjoying AZ?

    1. Yep, definitely changing. I saw your post, yikes! Very cold and messy. Be safe!

      2nd Man loved Arizona, but he stayed in town this week and next and then he's back again. He said even the cool nights were a different kind of cool than here.

  2. Hello from drought stricken Calif where rain clouds pictured would be a welcoming sight. I hear there are Rain Prayer Groups now. We're asked to voluntarily cut back 20% usage. At this point I am seriously considering removing my lawn and replacing with xeriscape.

    1. Oh my gosh, we JUST watched a special on the drought and it was crazy. They were were showing how Lake Mead was so low and the rivers that had virtually dried up. I wish we could send some your way. Xeriscape is a pretty neat way to go though as an alternative.

  3. Sounds like TN. We seem to have warm weather for a couple of days and then here comes the cold. Today's forecast is rain then it is supposed to turn to ice/mix around midnight and be cold. So ice again. Can't wait for Spring. :)

    1. Spring can't get here soon enough for most of us I think. It's just been such a weird Winter huh? Thankfully, we USUALLY don't get the ice and mess but I hate the freezing cold just as much. Stay warm and safe!

  4. That's our mantra in Illinois! Trade you our snow for your rain!

    1. Too funny. Um, not sure we could handle the snow as well as you do, ha. Besides, just think of rain as thawed snow, LOL!

  5. Guess what 1st man?! It was sunny at 7:15am - now it's pouring!!! Think it was washing the car yesterday that bought on the rain ;-) perfect weather to watch the Superbowl Go Broncos!!

    1. It was YOUR washing the car that did this! HA. It was a rainy cold day here, stayed in. Watched the game of course. Sorry for your Broncos.


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