
Friday, February 21, 2014


Hobart, the hypnotizing cat
This is Hobart, staring me down. He spends a lot of his time, when he's not sleeping of course, watching us.  We call him "The Watcher".  We figure that he's either a) trying really hard to influence our decisions, or b) he's watching to see how to do things so that he can eventually take over.

You ever have one of those pets that just stares at you?

More later this afternoon!


  1. 1st Man, dog stares at me. I just stare him down and he gives in, lol

    1. Ha, I will try that next time. See who blinks first, lol!

  2. lol. I was assuring my family if they didn't stop messing with our cat was she was playing with her catnip that the world would be reading about us in the paper. Entire family wiped out by feline companion! :)

    1. Ha, true, we often say something similar with ours. We just know that one of these days they will just take us out so they can do their own thing, ha.

  3. My friend owned a cat that stared at him. When he got a dog indoors, the cat faced the dog at all times from then on. It took the cat several years to stop staring at the dog. Then, my friend would sit and watch the cat and laugh. He did not need TV.

    1. Now that is funny!!! I would love to see that I bet it was hilarious! Thanks! :-)


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