
Sunday, February 16, 2014


NO, not ours, but we'll still get to have access to her anytime we want.  

So I was at the farm this weekend and I get a message from 2nd Family (they live on property at the front of ours).  She says "oh oh, guess what we found?".

So of course I had to run to their house and see...

Behold...CLOVER the kitten!   She was stuck in some brush near their house.  They looked for a mama kitty but they couldn't find her.  Poor thing cried for two hours while they cut away brush to get to her.

Kitten playing under table
Once they did, now she's home, finding the dining table in their house to be the most perfect jungle gym for exercising.

Clover, the world's cutest kitten
She's probably also wondering about this crazy man down on the floor crawling around making goofy noises, with sudden flashes of light coming from some strange machine.  Is this not THE most adorable face ever?  Sigh.

In spite of this adorable addition to their family, I was able to go back up to the house and get some actual stuff done.  More on that in upcoming posts.

Hope your weekend was wonderful and filled with kittens, er, good times.


  1. Oh my gosh. How adorable is she?!?!?! And so tiny! What a sweet face.

    1. That face just killed me, she is adorable. I'm glad she was spoken for, resistance might just have been futile, ha.

  2. She's beautiful! Yes, our world was filled with kitten (no s). Son John has a few spares, so daughter Amy gave him a call and ended up with a pretty little gray striped female. Their first day with her was a bit traumatic (everyone is scratched and there's pee under Alicyn's bed), but on day two she settled down, got cuddly and used the litter box. A carpet shampooer and a trip to the spaying place and all should hopefully be well in daughter's household.

    1. So it was a kitten kind of weekend, ha. It's amazing how quickly they take to a litter box. Glad their household is calmed down. I bet Alicyn is loving the kitten huh?

  3. I am partial to orange kittens.

    1. You know I've haven't been around many orange kitties but they are adorable. Maybe it's my imagination but they seem to have a unique personality to their coloring, ha.

  4. ...and that is how we ended up with 13 cats!
    Jane x
    PS She is too stinking cute!!

    1. Thanks, I'm so glad she's spoken for, ha. 13 cats? We have (had) three inside and as many as 4 outside. The outside ones are/were feral cats that were born in our yard and we took them to get fixed. They never left. We're down to 1 outside and a new stray. Just love cats.

  5. I have 7 cats. One adopted from our Adopt-a-pet. The rest were found as kittens. Clover is adorable. My youngest is an orange male. His name is Oakley.

    1. I love the name Oakley. We've found all of ours as kitten as well. You know the old "let's just keep it for a night and tomorrow we'll put an ad in the paper" and then the next day your heart belongs to them. I think they have magical powers. :-)

  6. She is such a precious kitten, such a sweet face. I wonder if someone threw her out?

    1. I think several of 2nd Family's pets are dumps. So SO sad that people do that. Their cold heart is someone else's heart filled with love.

  7. What a little beauty! She is lovely. And absolutely meant to be where she is right now. I love her name too.

    1. Yep, that was meant to be. And their daughter named her, and it does some how fit huh?

  8. So sweet! And so are the wonderful people who rescued her.

    1. Yes, they have rescued all of their dogs and cats and they have great lives out there. Much love and care.

  9. Replies
    1. I wish I could claim credit, ha. But she is a looker.

  10. Oh my! Kitten cuteness will get me every time.

    Are they really, really sure it's a girl? It's just that solid orange tabby is (generally) a sex-linked color. But if there's enough white it's not a sex-link.
    And a gratuitous link to a cat color poster I want to own someday

    1. Now that is cool!! I've never see that poster. It looks fascinating. I think they are pretty sure that it's a girl, but there is more white on her underside that wasn't as visible. Of course, they COULD be wrong. We'll have to see what happens, ha.

  11. So cute! Love, love, love kitties!

    1. DITTO! I've mentioned that we love all animals of course but the kitties are just TOO cute.

  12. 1st Man,

    Clover is adorable, I just love those eyes!!!

    1. Yeah, the eyes got me too. And her size, she's just so tiny, but definitely full of "kitten energy". :-)

  13. Thank you for sharing the heartwarming effect of Clover! And I've learned that kittens do better in pairs of similar age...just in case anyone needs a reason to go out and find another tiny kitten ;)

    1. Aww, thanks! Well, they are actually looking for more, so we'll see what happens. She does have another in house companion, Olive, that is about 2 years old (older of course) but I hear they are becoming fast friends so that's nice. Isn't she just adorable? I find myself staring at the picture, ha.


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