
Saturday, March 22, 2014


It was hot today, 84 degrees at 3:21pm.

Fortunately, I got there early, left about 8am and was on the zen machine (John Deere tractor) and mowing by 10am.  The weather was on and off overcast.

I always love mowing the driveway, not sure why. Maybe it's because it's just straight back and forth and a certain width so it's easy to  see results quickly.  It always looks great done.

This is the area behind the garden fence.  I wished I had the 'before', it was pretty wild looking now it's really pretty.  The green is coming back!

Of course, 2nd Family's horse Artax came to see what I was doing and to see if I had any carrots.  I was mowing and yes, I did have some carrots.

This is a new area I started mowing to clear today.  I can't get too close to the trees with the mower because they are mesquite trees and are covered in thorns.  I need to trim the low branches so I can mow closer next time.

All in all a good day and great to be back on the mower.

More tomorrow...time to rest now.


  1. So lovely to see green grass!! Not one sign of any as yet here in central Illinois and snow showers coming tomorrow...:(.......will it never end??

    1. Yep, that green grass had to be mowed, three hours worth, ha. I'm sure your Winter will end soon, I have faith!!! Hope you get your Spring soon!!

  2. Nice looking horse. Did he bring over paper photos of the rut leaving culprit? hehe

    1. LOL! Too funny. Yep, she's a pretty horse for sure, and very friendly. I never thought about it but she was a witness to the event! Can you imagine all the things animals witness? They would be dangerous if they could talk, LOL!

  3. 1st Man,

    You had a beautiful day there in that part of TX, I'm so jealous!!!!! It's cold here today, too cold to be outside working for us.

    1. Cold here today, we were just a day or two behind you. But warm this weekend again. Hopefully that's it for this season. Ready for Spring to stay!!


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