
Sunday, March 23, 2014


Mesquite tree leafing out
This is Spring!  

I noticed that the mesquite trees are starting to leaf out...and greens are appearing everywhere (not to mention the fact that I spend three hours mowing on Saturday).  Fingers crossed that Spring is REALLY here, and not just fooling us until another freeze happen next week.

How about your part of the world?  Any sign of the seasonal changes coming?  Changes for the better of course.


  1. 1st Man,

    I have my rose bush producing new leaves, and the little purple flowers (weeds) appear all over grassed areas up hear when spring is in the air. We also have all kinds of wild birds raiding the bird feeders.

    1. Oh those little purple flowers are all over here too, ha. Weeds but they are pretty weeds huh? Birds too. Though, as I type this, the HEAT has clicked on in the house (in town of course). Saturday I was sweating in the heat while mowing. Go figure.

  2. Leaves and blossoms popping out everywhere here! I'm a bit concerned for future frosts (we have a full months left of frost and hard freeze) possibilities, but I'm hopeful :-)

    1. It's so nice to see the blossoms coming isn't it? I forgot y'all can have frosts later. Fingers crossed for you to stay 'frost free'. ;-)

  3. I took a drive on Friday and the desert is beginning to bloom. The palo verde bushes are blooming as well as I saw some mesquite bushes blooming and the beaver tails are already blooming. They are such a beautiful pink/fuschia color.

    1. I have never been around the desert when it's blooming in Spring. I bet it's pretty. I'm going to have to google those plants you mentioned (except the mesquite, we live with those every time we are at the farm, ha).

  4. Just came across y'alls blog, it's great. Unfortunately, Mother Nature keeps messing with our heads here in Colorado. It's 70 degrees one day and we think the warmer weather is finally here. We put on flip flops and shorts, then it snows and it's 23 degrees the next. I know spring has to arrive soon because there are buds on the Aspen trees and the greens from the bulbs are popping up.

    1. Well first of all, thank you, very kind of you, and of course, WELCOME! Oh yes, Mother Nature is playing with all of us this year huh? We are greening up, but as I was saying in an above comment, Saturday I was hot, got sunburned, was sweating, tonight I sit here with the heat on! Crazy year for sure. Let's hope we all have a regular Spring soon!! Thanks again and come back any time!!

  5. The spring is come. All the world is dressing in new dress.

    1. I like the way you phrased that. Yep, definitely Spring is coming!!

  6. except for the change in the light, not much of spring here! freezing with snow on the way!

    1. Oh my, freezing snow! I just saw that on the news. Crazy!! I hope you get your Spring (and I know Teddy is hoping as well, ha). Stay warm.

  7. I'm loving Spring here in my neck of the woods...a promise of rain on Wednesday...just perfect!

    1. Yay for you! Hey rain, a nice gentle one of course, is always good.

  8. The Robins arrived in north central Iowa on Friday, Mar 21, just in time for the 1st full day of spring!! Can't wait for the snow to melt.

    1. Aren't Robins happy little birds? I saw some last year but haven't seen many yet this year. Fingers crossed. And I hope your snow melts soon so you have a regular Spring!


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