
Saturday, April 26, 2014


We were exploring the property one day and came across this.  The neighbor had cut down a mesquite tree that was growing on his property.  I guess he left this  behind as a novelty.

The tree had grown up and around the barbed wire.  It came back together on the other side of the wire and kept growing so it ran right through the middle of it!  Pretty neat.  Nature always finds a way!  

Off to the farm today, more planting, digging holes for some decorative trees along the driveway, spreading some mulch on the raised beds, mowing,'s an ever evolving and ongoing process for sure.  Hope you have a good weekend and as always, there will be updates later!


  1. I love the fence adornment. We have a habit of inspecting the fence but only talking about how we should remove those small tree seedlings. Then all of a sudden they're full blown trees that have woven themselves through the fence and are damn near impossible to cut down. You'd think a person would learn wouldn't you! Enjoy your productive day. They're always the best sort of days, when you collapse bone tired into your bed.

    1. Ha, that is so true huh? There are actually a couple of spots like that at the farm. I need to do something about that. I'll have to add that to the list, ha.

      Weekend was fairly productive but I feel like I'm getting a cold or maybe it's allergies, but I stayed home today. A day lost, ha. But Saturday was a collapse kind of day, in a good way.

  2. Trees are like that aren't they? We planted a 5 in 1 plum tree 3 years ago and left those little plastic tags that identify the variety of each branch (making sure they were very loose so that they wouldn't girdle the branch). As I was examining the tree last year, I noticed that one of the tags had slipped right down to the crotch of the branch & was now embedded into the bark - oops! I thought it would take (many) years for something like that to happen. So now I have to figure out a way of keeping track of the different varieties sans tags...

    1. Oh my gosh, I never thought about those little tags, You're right. I think we have some still on the tree, I need to get them off. You could snap some pics with your phone or a camera and print them and write down which is which. Then you'd recognize it from the picture which tree it is. Random though, ha.

  3. 1st Man,

    When I first read the title of this post, I thought it was going to be a Miranda Lambert song.......
    "Barbed Wire and a Tree"......LOL!!!!
    Some people leave branches which have grown through fence because it's to much work to get the branch or root out of the fence.

    1. Now THAT is funny! I can hear a tune in my head for that "song", ha. I can see where there would be a tough time getting it all unattached. Probably easier to just leave it as a reminder. Easier than replacing the fence.


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