
Thursday, April 3, 2014


Beehives in a yard, image source
Well, now I'll have to keep my eyes open for beehive inspiration pictures.  We have yet to decide if we'll paint or not, or if we do paint, will we be uniform in color, or paint a variety of colors?

Right now I have to concentrate on clearing an area to be a bee yard, but until then, pictures like this will inspire us.  Love the terra-cotta color of these hives, thought we might be more partial to a lighter, pastel color.  We were thinking pale yellow, pale green, something like that.  Time will tell!  

Bee Inspired! 


  1. i love these! i so wish i could have bees!

    1. You can live vicariously through all of us!! :-)

  2. I would have bees if I lived on a bigger property, we just have a regular yard. Don't think the dogs would appreciate all the bees bugging them. I would think that where you live you would want a llight colored hive so they stay cooler. Don't want to melt all the honey comb and roast the bees you know.

    1. Yes, I was thinking about that, a lighter color. I think some nice pastels would be nice, if we paint them of course. :-)

  3. Are you guys on Pinterest? Some inspirational ones on there

    1. You know, that's one of those things i need to do. Haven't signed up for it yet, kind of need to understand how it all works. I never thought about bee stuff, thanks!!! I'll let you know when we get started. :-)

  4. You might want to go light or dark green. I'm not sure how much exposure your farm has, but my dad (who kept bees for most of my childhood) had trouble with people trying to steal his hives from some of the more remote locations he had them. Not sure why someone would try to steal hives, or if they were just vandalizing them (again, why?). But just a thought. He painted his a funny brown/green that he made from mixing various colors of house paint. Not very pretty, but good camouflage. :)

    1. People stealing hives? That's pretty brave huh? We are pretty remote but definitely will have the hives in a more interior spot on the property so not readily visible. A good camo color is a good idea. I was think of earthy colors so they sort of seemed more natural. But I do like a good white as well, ha.

  5. I think I like them natural as shown here. Probably healthier for the bees too.

    1. There's something to be said for natural. I'll probably go back and forth until the day I buy the hives, ha.

  6. I've heard that people steal beehives too; apparently they are in great demand. There's a restaurant the Heights that the owner keeps bees and guards them like they are Fort Knox because of all the beehive thefts that were going at the time we visited. It was weird. Do colors affect bees? Because I was going to suggest the Rainbow if you happen to build 8 hives. It would look very pretty but if thieving is going on then maybe not.

  7. I love the ideas and the bee sayings! I really want to start beekeeping but how many things can I do.... compared to the list of all the things I want to do lol!!!!!!


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