
Monday, April 28, 2014


Earlier this morning, I posted HERE about two of the other beds.
These are the other two we have growing: 

4x4 Raised Bed with herbs
Herbs are doing well, they are growing nicely.  I harvested a few of each to use this week for cooking.  Trimming always makes them grow better/faster.  The creeping thyme is even creeping, LOL.  Hmm, I think we need one more over in that empty corner, ha.

4x4 Raised Bed with peppers and eggplants
The jalapeƱo and poblano are looking great, but the eggplants seem to be struggling a bit.  Yellowing leaves but there is new growth.  I'm going to just keep an eye on them.  I think they are still suffering a bit from transplant shock, plus we had some unseasonably cool weather last week and I don't believe they like the cold weather.  We're hoping they bounce back, as we've never had much trouble with them before and they are very prolific once they get growing.

So far so good!


  1. It all looks wonderful. Don't forget to liquid fertilise. Helps to make the plants healthy and resilient.

    1. Definitely, thanks, I have been meaning to do that and keep forgetting. I'm adding it to my 'list', ha.

  2. Never heard of garlic chives
    Off to look EM up

    1. Garlic chives are very similar to regular onion chives, they just taste a bit closer to garlic in the flavor spectrum. We find them interchangeable in the recipes.

  3. Looking good. I still need to fill by beds. Seeds growing fast in greenhouse now.

    1. Thank you much! I bet they do grow fast in the greenhouse. I know how fast stuff grew in the little 'greenhouse box' I made for a few of the seedlings. And side note, a greenhouse is on my future 'wish list'.

  4. Beautiful herb - veggie garden! They all look so healthy, even with these recent cold snaps. Can you believe it - we have another norther coming into SE Texas bringing in a couple of cool nights! Our poor vegetables don't know what to make of this!!

    You're right - you gotta plant something in that empty, lonely corner. How about cilantro or rosemary or dill?

    You're going to be eating good this summer!!

    Texas Rose

    1. Thank you so much. The weather is CRAZY isn't it? yep, a few more cool nights for us, just weird. We have a huge rosemary bush on the porch, but dill or cilantro sounds great, thanks!!

  5. They all looks so healthy, picture perfect.

  6. You have beautiful raised beds. The oregano is quite invasive in our Gulf coast climate. It has covered my entire herb garden which is about a 5'x5' area. Even with the below freezing temperatures this last winter, it is just as lush and green.
    Alabama gardening

    1. Ooh, I will have to keep an eye on that. Thank you for the heads up. We love oregano but not sure we love it THAT much, lol.

  7. I raise herbs in an old wheelbarrow. It holds just enough for two people's recipes throughout the year, and weeds are kept easily at bay.
    Love your raised beds, lots of room for more !

    1. I love the wheelbarrow idea, I've been toying with that for some flowers as a decorative focal point. Thank you for the kind words!!

  8. DO you get your seeds local? I'm looking for some good organic/heritage seeds for the herb garden. I'm in Utah so our planting season is just starting. Ive got my seedlings for veggies ready for planting this weekend. I'm thinking of doing a window box herb garden or a 3x3 raised bed I have. Any ideas?
    I love following your blog. Your ideas have helped me so much. Thank you!!

    1. Hi!! Yes, I get some locally, we have a great feed store (in the middle of modern Houston, ha) that has great heirlooms. If you are looking online, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed co is a good one. You are so sweet, thanks for the kind words.


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