
Thursday, May 15, 2014


Kitchen garden, image via pinterest courtesy of
Isn't this a "wow" garden?  This image was found and sent to us by a friend of the farm (thank you C!).  She found it and thought of our Inspiration Thursday feature.  I did some checking and this image comes from a Kitchen Garden book  by Ellen Ogden.  Might be a book to add to our collection.

Anyway, this picture just amazes me at the work someone puts into something like this.  I love the arbor too.  I'm sure this is a lot of work to keep it looking so good but wow, I think if we had something like this, I'd just stand there and stare at it.  Of course, then I'd have to get busy keeping it clean and orderly, ha. 

Be inspired!


  1. It's not real, couldn't be real. If it were real, that line between soil and grass would not exist. My grass jumps 3 or 4 feet over into the middle of the bed overnight, and it can creep from edge to soil in a matter of seconds.There wouldn't be time to take a photo.

    1. LOL! Maybe it's garden magic, ha. I hear ya, remember I put down the mulch and got it all looking nice, now there is grass creeping up in spots, I'm constantly trimming. It's easier, but it does grow fast.

  2. Just to keep that lawn edged would be a huge chore. I learned long ago that I didn't like edging lawns as the lawn is so aggressive. It is very pretty though.

    1. I think that's what I enjoy, it's pretty, but probably not practical, unless you are in the garden all day every day. :-)

  3. what a perfect garden. mine looks very neat this time of year but will soon turn into a jungle!

    1. I think we all look neat in the beginning huh? But hey, the food is the payoff so it's all worth it in the end.

  4. My St Augustine grass will creep and cover concrete. Soil would not have a chance.

    Just the other day, I decided the only way I would get an arch would be to make one out of something growing around here. HA! The one in the picture was what I had in mind, Then, something pretty could climb it, maybe something edible. My main concern with buying one is that they are too narrow. My main concern with having someone make what I want is that I cannot afford to order what I want.

    That is a lovely garden. Whoever that belongs to has either a gardener or help inside the house.

    1. "arch" ??? I thought I typed "arbor."

    2. Ha, I knew what you meant. Arch/arbor, same; concept of sorts, right? Ha. I loved this one in the picture, it's pretty huh? And I like it being wide.

      So true about the garden, it's definitely something that requires either help, or full time work while you have help elsewhere, ha.

  5. Nice looking garden. Wish I could keep one that tidy!

    1. It would be fun to try huh? I guess we all have that week or so when it's all so perfect...then it's downhill from there, LOL. :-)

  6. LOL, a love how such a beautiful picture has produced a host of 'scoffers'. As gardeners, I think we all know that it would take a lot of work to keep something like that so pristine. For me to take a photo like that of my garden, I would have to be weeding and tilling for days, take the photo, then resign myself to the fact that it would probably never be that perfect again. I thank you for the picture and the reminder of what is possible.......if you have the time and are so inclined.😄

    1. Those question marks was suppose to be a smiley face. Don't know what happened.

    2. Hey, that's why I post them, even if bits and pieces inspire someone to something, that's a good thing. And I can see pieces in there that I'd like to do, someday anyway, ha. You are so right though, I think we could all work for days to get it just picture perfect and then take the picture and two days later it's same old same old, ha.

      Here, a smiley face just for you... :-)

  7. oh just so lovely. what a beautiful sight. i love it so much your post are so enjoyable thank you

    1. Well, thank you, hope you'll come back around!


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