
Friday, May 30, 2014

CAMOUFLAGE BUNNY vewy vewy quiet...

Wild rabbit
Can you see it there in the picture above?
Sitting in plain view in the shadows?

I had to zoom in on the photo to show you the bunny.  

Texas bunny rabbit
While he's cute and fluffy and perhaps even cuddly, we're wondering how long before we're fighting to keep him (and family) away from the fruit and veggies?

But for now, we'll get along nicely.  He actually seemed to follow me around the last time I was out there.  With his unique half circle marking of spots, he was very easy to recognize.  

It's raining again today, in town, but not at the farm, so I might get some sunny time at the farm.  There are more chances tomorrow so not quite sure what will get done but we'll see!


Click HERE or on photo on sidebar.  Good luck!


  1. We are covered up in rabbits this year! They seem to be everywhere and they do not seem to be the least bit concerned about us or Keeper LOL.... They probably will leave your garden alone as there is plenty of stuff to eat there. I can't believe I am saying this, but well to much rain is as bad as not enough and parts of my garden are starting to turn yellow due to to much rain. Not something a Texan says often that is for sure! Whats odd is they are saying we are still 6" below on rainfall... We have taken so many measures to retain moisture and now we are getting regular rain and well the plants are starting to say HELLO. we are wet enough LOL

    1. You know, I was wondering, there is PLENTY to eat around the property, lots of green leafy stuff and plants. They sure are cute, I wouldn't mind sharing the property as long as they'll leave the garden alone, ha.

      We are quickly catching up on rainfall too and you're right, I think the plants are going, ok, enough, we get it, we're good! ha. Stay dry!

  2. Wow you guys sure are getting the rain. I could use some here. Lisa

    1. It's rained a LOT this last week. About 6 inches total.

  3. That cottontail sure is camouflaged. And sooo cute!
    I think he and his family will not be “wascally wabbits” about your garden - there’s plenty of good wild things out there, especially after all of our good rain.

    Texas Rose

    1. Yes, hoping he has acres and acres of an all you can eat buffet, and avoid the garden areas, ha.

  4. I SEE him!!! Don't you just LOVE it when you spot things like this?!!

  5. You have lots of SPECIAL goodies growing; bunny doesn't. Why don't you just go out into the forest and sow a few seeds, put a few tomato seeds (or seeds of whatever bunnies nibble) under a dusting of dirt. Maybe you could do it earlier next year. You could use old seeds or cheap seeds.

  6. Bunnies sure are cute and I have had them as house pets before (and would do again) but they can be serious pests. We have found their burrows can totally destroy our land and once they hit plague proportions they can be hard to eradicate. I am guessing you don't have that problem over there.

  7. 1st Man,

    When he/she decides to find your garden, it's then time to make rabbit stew :-)

  8. As long as he keeps his family outside the boundries he is fine, its not just the veg garden unfotunatly they cause damage to but any young trees you plant, you will have to put some tree guards around them, living with nature is all about a delicate balancing act.

  9. What a delightful garden! I love how very creative Becky's projects are. So fanciful! There's really a lot of inspiration in these gorgeous pictures. Brenda, such a fun site to find!

  10. How do your cats feel about rabbits? We call our cat the mighty bunny hunter.. We are moving into a new house tomorrow and there is a big garden in the back yard.. Here in Omaha rabbits live all over town and come out at night to play in the yards.. Except ours because they know to stay away from Angel.. I have no skill at all fir gardening, but at least I know, as I'm learning that as long as we gave Angel, rabbits won't be a problem :)


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