
Friday, May 2, 2014


This is GiGi.  One of our feral babies that was part of a litter that was born under the house in town.  She's been with us for over 11 years now.  

She's a beauty (we love her markings and her little orange nose).  For those wondering about her name, since we have the "Australia theme" going on for our inside boys, we didn't know what to call her.  For a year or two, she was "Good Girl".  We would pet her and play with her and say "you are such a Good Girl".  Then one day we went, "Good Girl?  GG?  GiGi"!

Friday is here, almost time for the weekend!


  1. if only my own nose could be so purrrfect.

  2. Gigi is beautiful and looks very content. I love how she got her name x

    1. Thank you! Yes, we spent a year or two going "you're such a good girl" "who's the good girl in the world" "she's our good girl". :-)

      She's very sweet and very happy and well taken care of. She knows to live here, she's got the best of everything.

  3. Thanks for the explanation. As I read I was trying to link the Australian thing and coming up with nothing. Does she get jealous of the lucky ladies who live inside?

    1. Ha! I wondered if you (and our other Australian visitors) would wonder. You know, we've brought her in a few times and while she likes exploring she really has spend her whole life outside and so she loves laying around in the yard all day long.

  4. Gigi is beautiful and lucky to of found you.

    1. And vice versa, we're grateful her mama kitty had her under out house. She's been a wonderful companion in the yard. She's definitely a pretty girl.

  5. Cute! A touch of French instead, but she could have been Adelaide!

    1. You know it's funny, when we got the last indoor kitty, "Hobart", we weren't sure at first if he was a boy or a girl. If it had been a girl, Adelaide was the first choice. And we could have called her Addy for short. But it was a boy and so we had to decide between Melbourne and Hobart. He just seemed like a Hobart. As for GiGi, we just knew that seemed to fit her too. Of course 11 years ago, we were thinking we might end up with another inside kitty and sort of left Adelaide on the back burner for names and as I said, the last acquistion was a "he", ha.

  6. What a beautiful face! I love Feline Friday :)

    1. Aw, thanks! She's a pretty thing isn't she? Glad you like the pics. We've got lots, going back to when they were all kittens so I'll share them once a week for awhile, ha.


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