
Monday, May 5, 2014


The garden is doing well!  At first we were watering too much.  I noticed a lot of standing water outside the garden area and the mulch (on the ground) was wet as well.  Last week, we changed it to MWF for about 15 minutes (the weather was nice and cool).  I noticed that they were still doing well but with the heat coming back, the soil seemed to dry out quicker so I decided to change it  to MWF for 30 mins in the morning.

The poblano pepper has a pepper on it!  Yay!  Hopefully there will be more, as there are a couple more flowers and buds on it and of course it's still pretty small.

This is the TAM jalapeƱo, it also has a little pepper on it and a bunch of flowers and buds just waiting to become peppers.  So far so good on this one as well.

This is a tomatillo.  It's probably doing the best of everything so far, covered in flowers.  Here is one that is already becoming the fruit that will be covered by the papery husk as it grows.  It's fascinating watching them develop.

This tomato plant (as are most of the other tomatoes) is covered in flowers and looks healthy so that's a good sign.

Here is the only problem I noticed.  This is the "Black Krim" tomato.  The leaves are curled and kind of crispy.  Is this lack of water?  Too much heat?  I've never grown this variety before so I'm not sure if our climate is just not good for it or what.  Any suggestions?

Here is the zucchini that was planted last week.  It's got blossoms all over it and has almost doubled in size.  The yellow squash is also blossoming out.  They both seem happy.

And these two photos excited us.  Above is the pear tree, it's COVERED in little pears!  Last year I plucked them all off so the tree could focus on root growth.  This year we have quite a few.

Below, what is this?  Why it's an actual PEACH!  There were several flowers and buds but this one is growing fast.  I'm guessing that unfortunately it will end up getting eaten by an animal before we get to it, but I'll let it do its thing.


  1. My tomatoes get that way sometimes when not enough water and when water gets splashed on leaves and then they get scorched by sun. Last year I did the drip (no splash) and maintained 10 min each day and all plants were very happy.

  2. isn't it exciting to see things develop? especially fruit! my tomatillos grew like crazy here so you should have great luck with them in texas!

  3. 1st Man,

    Move the dirt a little bit under your tomato plant and give it some powdered milk. Then place yourself some straw below each plant to prevent the water from splashing on the leaves. This should help your tomato plant(s).

  4. I get really excited about my fruit trees too. Especially the peach tree. I've got one in bloom right now and one that will be in a couple of weeks. I hope they both set a lot of peaches.

  5. I may be wrong, but it looks like a worm is eating your tomato plant. A cut worm or leaf curler? See the left top part of the plant where the plant is cut off, and there are a lot of holes in the leafs. There is something eating on the plant. If it is cut worms the best time to find them is early in the morning or late in the evening. Once they kill the plant they will start on the next.

  6. I would have to agree with 'steakandeggs', it looks like it is being eaten. I don't travel the organic road so I would be spraying with a systemic spray. I think you were going organic , weren't you? In which case perhaps you might want to pull the plant before whatever is wrong with it spreads. Also, I thought I noticed an aphid in the photo of your tomatillo so now is the time to be checking under the leaves. With your fruit, you can tie shopping bags over them to protect them from the pests. I actually buy waxed paper bags for my fruit, they also keep the harmful bugs away as well.

  7. Your veggies and fruit look gorgeous! So exciting about your pear crop for this year. I have a great recipe for pear strudel, if 2nd Man is interested.
    Your Black Krim tomato might need a little help. The Texas A & M horticulture site has a "Tomato Problem Solver" page with pictures:

    Happy Gardening!
    Texas Rose

  8. Well congrats - it's so exciting when you see those first little fruits just starting to develop. We haven't even placed our plants outside yet - our last frost date is May 10 so we still have a ways to go - sigh.


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