
Saturday, May 10, 2014


Texas Wildflowers 
Here are some photos (click them to enlarge) I took recently of the sides of the road leading to the farm.  For those in other parts of the country/world, Texas is known for its wildflowers.  In April and May, they just spring up everywhere in the state, in ditches, esplanades, sides of the road, fence lines, and if you're lucky, they can even appear in your yard.

Of course these pop up without any intervention and bloom with just our sporadic rainfall.  I'm sure if I scattered seeds around "on purpose" and watered them regularly, they would never bloom, ha.  

I've taken a lot of photos of them I'll post in the coming days and weeks.  Anyway, enjoy the pics, we're off to run some errands today for the farm, picking up some things we need, including a couple of neat additions for the property.

More on that later plus I will catch up on replying to comments from the last week.  Please know that we read them all, we just can't always reply right away!  Keep them coming!

Hope your weekend is off to a good start!

Texas Wildflowers


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Springtime in Texas is so beautiful with Mother Nature's spectacular yearly display. Looking forward to more of your wildflower photos!

    Texas Rose

    1. Isn't so pretty? Love our wildflowers. Wished they stayed around longer. There will be more pics to come.

  2. They are so beautiful. We get wild flowers in the Cornish hedgerows, but not as many as that.

    1. I bet they are beautiful. I think it's neat that wildflowers are all over the world. Thank you for stopping by!!

  3. I love wildflowers & these look so pretty. As you say if you planted the seeds they would not grow!

    1. I love that flowers like this just pop up everywhere. And yep, if we planted seeds on purpose, it would be an epic fail, ha.

  4. I have been drooling over your wildflower photos and I checked out that web site another person left for you a few days ago. It's put me in mind to try and introduce a wildflower garden/small meadow somewhere here. Whether the wildlife will allow them to grow and prosper is another story but it might be worth a try. Looking forward to more pics.

    1. A lot of the US has wildflowers but Texas is sort of nicknamed the wildflower state. We have them everywhere. But it's only about 2 months out of the year. You know, people do put in wildflower meadows. I suppose maybe someday I should try that on our farm. More pics soon, just randomly here and there. It makes the flower season seem longer, ha.

  5. I love the colors! Bluebonnets have always been my Texas favorite.

    1. Oh bluebonnets are SO pretty. This was a good year for them here. Although for some reason I didn't see as many around the farm as usual. But other areas had them by the fields full, ha. Thanks!!

  6. I've been to Ladybird Johnson's wildflower center closer to your area a couple of times and after seeing your pics, I'm thinking I might need to make another trip! I LOVE, love wildflowers. As a little girl, I would lay in the daisies (my favorite flower) and wildflowers on my grandmother's hillside while eating the sweet clover and soaking in the sun for hours. Fond memories!


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