
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


OOPS!  I was enjoying my time on zen machine when all of a sudden, it wasn't so zen.  I got stuck in the mud!  Six inches of rain last week will do that I suppose.  I spent about 30 minutes trying to get it out by myself (2nd Man was not there) and so I had to, embarrassingly, call 2nd Family.  

"R" came over on his mower.  I had disengaged the drive shaft so we could push it, but that didn't work.  So we lifted it up by the front brush guard and pulled it to the side at an angle.  Then I hopped on it and started it up and he pushed me a few feet and voila, I was back in the 'zen' moment. The zen machine got a nice bath afterward and is clean as a whistle.

P.S. Never did finish mowing that spot.  It can wait until next weekend...when it's DRY!


  1. I got our zen machine stuck once. It is no easy feat freeing such a beast on your own. Even with an extra pair of hands it can be hard. It can come as a bit of a surprise just how heavy they are particular when, for the most part, they seem to glide so effortlessly.

    1. Yes, I was a little nervous at first because I thought what if TWO of us can't do it? ha. They do seem to just glide around (and bounce a few times) and then just come to a stop. I did learn my lesson now....just like when I ran out of gas once about 7 acres from the gas can. :-)

  2. 1st Man,

    Good thing you had help picking up your Zen machine from the mud.
    I haven't got stuck but I sure slid on some strange grass while driving. One of the tires didn't have the correct traction because I was driving my Zen machine where I shouldn't and well we slid shhhhhh, don't tell Bulldog Man :P

    1. was tough moving it but we did it. Thank goodness. A slide ride huh? No worries, it will be our little secret, ha.

  3. Next week, you will have a nice rut there. If you go back with some hand tools like a race or hoe, you might not have such a big rut. I would have called for help after five minutes. Maybe you zen machine just wanted to play in the mud.

    1. Perhaps it was the machine's way of taking a break, lol. To be honest i was kind of embarrassed to call them at first, plus I was trying to be all 'self sufficient'. So much for that, ha.


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